Monthly Archives: April 2017
Taking a personal loan comes with the obligation of repaying the amount in fixed monthly instalments over a decided period of time. If you fail to repay on time, however, you are liable to pay penalties for late payment, which nullifies the benefits of availing a personal loan in the first place. In addition to…
Very few people think about saving for retirement in their 20s. This can be due to pre-existing student loans which they have to pay off, or they are simply not earning enough. However, by your 30s, saving should not be an afterthought, but a priority. Aside from life insurance, you need a little more security…
Your twenties are a tumultuous time. You are out of college, you probably have your first job, and you are finally coming to terms with the fact that you need to manage your money. While you are going to be tempted to spend excessively, it is going to cost you in the long run. Saving…