We at Indusind strive to add value for its stakeholders while focusing on the ethos of sustainability. As an organization always sensitive to social & environmental cause, the Bank has initiated the Environmental & Social Management System (ESMS), to assess the impact of its lending program on various environmental & social parameters, to ensure the projects financed, and clients that the bank deals with, are socially & environmentally sound. The Bank has an Environmental Policy, which lays out guidelines and targets in key areas of environmental sustainability, within these, the Bank has undertaken and implemented programs and activities in the domains of sustainable supply chain, green procurement, energy efficiency, water conservation, waste management and climate change mitigation, among others, with some of the initiatives below:
- Frontrunner investor in on-site solar energy solutions and LEED certified buildings
- Focus on lending to energy efficiency, water conservation and greening the IT systems
- Regular engagement with its staff to educate & remind them on effective ways to reduce the use of printing paper, electricity & water at workplace & at their homes
- Administrative focus on “Reduce, Recycle & Reuse”, with aim to reduce carbon footprint of the organization
At the heart of Indusind Bank’s Customer Centric Innovation is a rigorous analysis of Customer feedback and surveys, that helps us continually improve our understanding of who our customers are and what they need. The insights from this analysis helps us segment our customers effectively and ensure that the value propositions developed are mutually beneficial for the customer and the Bank.
Trust and Transparency contribute to the Customer-First culture where every employee has a role to play and is encouraged to surprise and delight customers.
Customer experience is a company-wide effort, and employees in all departments collaborate on innovative, customer-first ideas. Products and services are customised to meet the customers’ needs, and create seamless experiences across the board.
We believe that CCI is not just about top-line growth; it’s about sustained and profitable top-line growth.
Technologies like block chain, artificial intelligence, mobility, big data are evolving rapidly and this is disrupting the prevalent business models of banks. Indusind Bank is committed to deliver Best in class products and services to our customers on technologically advanced platforms to provide seamless customer experience.
Through digitization, we look to continuously improve our products and processes across the value chain, from on-boarding to transacting, for an overall meaningful customer engagement through use of Artificial Intelligence (AI).