Loan Against Property


Apply for Indusind Bank Loan against Property to meet your business or personal needs. Our “Loan against Property” solutions will help you unlock the hidden value of your property. With this multi-purpose loan you can now fulfill any of your personal or business needs. What’s more, this loan can be comfortably repaid over a period of 20 years.

Variants of Loan Against Property

Loan Against Residential or Commercial Property

Loan for Purchase of Commercial Property

Additional Finance

Balance Transfer

Lease Rental Discounting

Dropline overdraft

Builder/ Developer Funding

Benefits of Loan Against Property

Faster Mode of raising immediate long term funds

Higher Loan amount

Funds can be used to meet Business or Personal needs

Doorstep Services

Eligibility Criteria Loan Against Property

Eligibilty for Loans Against Property

Following constitution borrowers are eligible

  • Individuals/Proprietorship concerns
  • Partnership firms
  • Private Limited Companies
  • Closely held Public Ltd Companies (not listed on any stock exchange)

Salaried Individual

  • Any individual employed permanently in any Public sector Undertaking, Government undertaking, Multi National Company, Listed public limited company or well-known private limited company can apply
  • Minimum age at the time of loan application should be 21 years & maximum age at loan maturity should be lower than retirement age

Self Employed Professional/Non Professionals

  • Doctors, Charted Accountants, Cost Accountants, Architects, Engineers, Company Secretary, CFA's can apply
  • Any individual filling Income Tax returns can apply
  • Minimum age at the time of loan application should be 21 years & maximum age at loan maturity should not exceed of 70 years

Documentation Required for Loans Against Property

  Individuals Non Individuals
 Application form Application form with photograph
KYC Documents Valid identity/Residence/Signature proof
Proof of Income Latest Form 16/ITR copy/Appointment letter and latest 3 months’ salary slips / Salary Certificate Latest 2 years ITR along with Computation and Acknowledgement. 2 years financials with full schedules & audit rpt (Form 3CD & 3CB). Financials to be audited for T/O > 40 /60 Lacs case else shd be CA certified
Bank Statement Latest 6 months bank statement of the MAIN CA/SA/CC/OD account
Property documents Copy of all property documents of the concerned property that you wish to mortgage for loan
Processing fee Processing fee cheque Processing fee cheque

Credit Decision TAT

  • For loans up to ₹25 lakh to units in the MSME borrowers shall not be more than 14 working days.
  • For loans > ₹25 Lakh to units in MSME borrowers shall be 45 working days.(Subject to submission of complete set of documents by the customer)

Loan Against Property Interest Rates

APR Data for Q3 FY 25 

Min Max Average Min Max
9.10% 14.00% 10.17% 9.16% 14.60%
Note: LAP APR is based on the minimum and maximum rate for a tenure of 10 years. Actual APR will vary based on actual interest rate and tenure.

Rates & Fees

IndusInd Bank Offer attractive rates based on the customer profile and the type of the collateral offered. Our rates are linked to the external Benchmark rates which is currently at 6.25%.

In case of Rate Reset

As per the RBI circular dated Aug 18, 2023 on “Reset of Floating Interest Rate on Equated Monthly Instalments (EMI) based Personal Loans”, the following product features will be applicable to Loan Against Property (LAP) at the time of reset of interest rate on account of change in underlying benchmark rate:

Loan Against Property (LAP) is extended to following types of borrowers viz:

  • Individual borrowers for personal purpose
  • Non-individual borrowers or individual borrowers for business purpose (this specific borrower segment does not fall under the purview of this circular)
  1. In case of any increase in Rate of Interest (ROI) due to upward movement of applicable underlying benchmark rate for floating rate loans, the tenure of the loan will be increased keeping the EMI unchanged. However, such elongation of tenure will be subject to maximum of 60 months from the original sanctioned tenure and thereafter, EMI of the loan will be increased to absorb the impact of any ROI increase.
  2. In case of reset in rate of interest pursuant to change in underlying Benchmark Rate (BR), Bank will communicate to the Borrower, impact of change executed. After receipt of said communication the Borrower may request in writing to the Bank either for enhancement in EMI or elongation of tenor or a combination of both options.
  3. The following points will be applicable to Loan Against Property (LAP) extended to individual borrowers for personal purpose:
    • In case of any increase in ROI due to increase in underlying external benchmark rate, the bank can allow the borrower to make a prepayment towards the loan subject to:
      • Borrower being an individual & end use of the loan is for personal purpose
      • Written application being submitted by the borrower for making a prepayment towards the loan
      • The said payment being from own sources of funds and to be verified through borrowers bank statements duly submitted along with the application.
  4. The age of the primary borrower at the time of maturity should not exceed 80 years on account of such elongation in tenure.
  5. In case of any decrease in ROI due to downward movement of applicable benchmark rate, the tenure of the loan will be reduced keeping the EMI same.

MSME Update

Contact Us

For more details, you may write to us at


  • What is a Loan Against Property?

    A loan against property (LAP) is a mortgage loan that is offered to individuals, companies or firms against any of their existing residential or commercial property. This type of loan is ideal for people who are in need of immediate funds for different purposes such as expanding their business or meeting some of their personal financial needs. The main advantage of getting LAP is you can still hold on to your property and raise funds for your needs.

  • How much maximum amount can I avail myself of on a property as LAP?

    The maximum amount of loan you can get depends on your profile and eligibility rating. In addition, the amount also depends on certain other factors such as your monthly income, age, credit score, monthly financial obligations, retirement age and credit history.

  • What is the procedure to apply for a Loan Against Property?

    Applicants can use any of the methods given below to apply for LAP:

    • Fill up the online application form and one of our representatives will get in touch with you to help you complete the process.
    • Call our phone banking number available on the website
    • Visit the nearest IndusInd Bank branch
    • Get in touch with your relationship manager for more details to apply for LAP
  • What will be the maximum tenure for which the loan will be offered?

    The maximum tenure offered by IndusInd Bank for LAP is 20 years.

  • What security/collateral do I have to provide in Loan against Property?

    You can use your residential property as collateral. Apart from that, if you have any commercial property such as a shop or office, you can also use these as collateral.

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IndusInd Bank Other Loan Product

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Gold Loan

We know your gold is worth a thousand sentiments and opportunities. Presenting IndusInd Bank Gold Loans - Smart way to fund your dreams.

Key Feature and Benefits
  • Minimum Documentation
  • Instant Disbursal
  • Tenure: 3-24 months
  • Upto 10 Lakh Loan
Personal Loan
Personal Loan

With IndusInd Bank’s personal loan, you can achieve all your goals. You can effectively turn your dream into reality.

Key Feature and Benefits
  • Easy documentation
  • Flexi loan tenure
  • Best-in-class features
Loan against securities
Loan against securities

Avail overdraft facility (OD) against your securities while staying invested with IndusLAS at IndusInd Bank.

Key Feature and Benefits
  • Higher Loan Amount against your securities
  • Single Scrip Lending
  • Widest Range of approved securities
  • Third Party DP Securities Acceptable
FD Rate FD Rate
FD Rate
Regular Fixed Deposit

up to 7.75% interest p.a

Senior Citizen

up to 8.25% interest p.a