Terms and Conditions : Card Liability

  • PIN (merchant terminals, ATM withdrawals, etc.) and OTP (online, MOTO, etc.) authenticated transactions are not covered.
  • Pre-delivery fraud not covered.
  • Two (2) days (includes reporting day) pre-reporting and seven (7) days (Includes reporting day) post reporting claims are covered.
  • Claim has to be reported by Card holder within fifteen (15) days from the date of loss in case of card to be admissible for claim.
  • Insurance benefit would be available only to Active card users. An active card is defined as the card with one transaction/ activity on any POS terminal in last six (6) months from date of loss.

Counterfeit card liability:

Claim has to be reported by Cardholder within fifteen (15) days from the date of issue of statement containing the disputed counterfeit transaction.

*Claim amount may vary as per actual loss incurred and credit card limit of the covered card

FD Rate FD Rate
FD Rate
Regular Fixed Deposit

up to 7.75% interest p.a

Senior Citizen

up to 8.25% interest p.a