Auction Notice

Sr.No Details of Auction Terms & Conditions Last date of submission of BID Date of auction
1 Door No. 16/520-8-1 and 16/543-4, Plot No's.12, 13, 14 and 15 in Sy No. 14/5, Ward No.16th, Situated at Chinnachowk Village, Near Devuni Kadapa Road, Kadapa Municipal Corporation Limits, Kadapa District. Terms and Conditions 08/04/2025 till 4:00 P.M

On 09/04/2025 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 Door No. 15/206 (Old) and 15-272 (New), Situated at Bandlamitta Street, Kadapa Municipality and Town, Kadapa District - 516001 Terms and Conditions 08/04/2025 till 4:00 P.M

On 09/04/2025 from 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 All that land admeasuring 684 Sq. yards or 571.89 Sq meters in Plot No.9,10,19, in approved lay out in R.S. No. 345/9 and 346/4, near door No.6-97, Situate at Punadipadu Gram Panchayat, Kankipadu Mandal, Krishna Dist. Terms and Conditions 07/04/2025 till 4:00 P.M

On 08/04/2025 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 All that piece and parcel of IT Space no. 312-B, on Third Floor, area measuring 1223.69 Sq Feet, Situated in the layout plan of IRIS Tech Park in the area of village, Tikri Tehsil & District Gurgaon, Haryana - 122002.

Terms and Conditions

Sale Notice

03.04.2025 up to 4.00 PM 04.04.2025 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)
1 All that undivided proportionate indivisible impartible variable share in the land directly underneath that the office room being Unit No. HRG-309 containing an area of about 125 square feet of Super built up Area erected and constructed on the third floor situated in the said land in the part of Premises No. 19, Synagogue Street, known as "Retained Built Up Portion" of City Centre, P.S. Burra Bazar, Kolkata -700001.
***The details of the property are more specifically described in the Deed No. I-1903-05891 of 2020 dated 23/11/2020 in the name of Mr. Praveen Kumar Pugalia.
Sale Notice 28-04-2025 till 05:00 p.m. 29-04-2025 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM through Website:
1 All that piece and parcel of one Residential Flat, containing an Area of 750 Sq. feet, super Built Up Area more or less being Block-6 on the South Eastern Side of the Third Floor of the Building situated at Premises No. 96 B, Ashutosh Mukherjee Road, P.S. Bhowanipur, under Ward No. 71 of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Kolkata - 700025 along with the undivided impartible proportionate share or interest in the land at the said premises as mentioned above.
***The details of the property are more specifically described in the Deed No 9181 dated 29.10.2010 in the name of M/s Dynamic Scaffolding & Equipment Co. represented by its sole proprietor - Mr. Bikramajit Ray.
Sale Notice 28-04-2025 till 05:00 p.m. 29-04-2025 from 03:30 PM to 04:30 PM through Website:
1 All Piece and Parcel Of Flat No. 203, On The 2nd Floor, Admeasuring 72.46 Sq. Mtr. In Wing B3, In The Society Named As "Goodwill Orchids Co-Operative Housing Society Limited", Constructed On Land Bearing Survey No. 18/1+2/2/3 Situated At Dhanori Within The Limits Of Pune Municipal Corporation Maharashtra.

Terms and Conditions

Sale Notice

26/03/2025 upto 4:00 PM 27/03/2025 11:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M
1 Exclusive mortgage on Solar Power Plant owned by M/s BBR Green Fields Pvt Ltd, situated on Acres 35–39 Guntas Agriculture land at Sy. No. 57/AA, 52/U, 54/AA, 54/AA, 53/A, 53/AA, 53/E, 53/EE, 53/U, 53/UU, 53/UU, 53/E, 53, 53/U, 52, 57/AA, Nagwar village, Raikod Mandal, Sangareddy District, Telangana – 502 256. Terms and Conditions 21/04/2025 till 06.00 PM 22/04/2025 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. E-Auction at
1 All that self-contained Residential Flat on the ground floor, South Side of Four Storey Building, measuring about super built-up area of 430 sq. ft. more or less consisting of One Bedroom, One Kitchen, one Toilet and one Mezzanine Floor measuring about 140 Sq. Ft. more or less along with one covered garage on the ground floor measuring about 140 Sq. Ft. more or less of the building built and constructed at or upon the Plot of Land measuring 2 Cottahs, 13 Chittacks and 30 1/2 Sq. Ft. lying and situated at Municipal Premises No. 79/18/1 Acharya Jagadish Bose road (Formally 79/18 Lower Circular Road), P.S -Taltola, Kolkata - 700014 within the local limit of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation Ward No. 53 together with undivided share and interest on the land as described in the Gift Deed No. I-1901-08499/2021 dated 23.09.2021 registered on 08/11/2021 in the name of Mr. Amitabha Sen. Sale Notice 21-04-2025 till 05:00 p.m. 22-04-2025 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm through Website
1 All that piece and parcel of land with building bearing Old Municipal No. 580/1, New No. CH-44/1, situated at Vani Vilasa Road, Lakshmipura, Chamaraja Mohalla, Mysore City and bounded on the North by Property belongs to Balaraje Arasinavar; South by Vani Vilas Road; East by Property belongs to Rangarao & Sons and West by Property belongs to Rajasekharappa, measuring East to West – 71 feet and North to South 149 feet in total an extent of 10579 Sq. ft.

Terms and Conditions

Sale Notice

19.03.2025 upto 4.00 PM

20.03.2025 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)
1 Part of Land Khasra No. 329, admeasuring 2192 Sq Ft, ward No. 17, Village Ibrahimpura, Tehsil Huzur, Bhopal. Sale Notice 07-April-2025 till 5:00 PM
1 All that plot bearing No: 77, in survey No:30, in ward No:16, Block No:11, admeasuring 350.00 Sq. Yards or equivalent to 292.63 Sq. metres, situated at Moosarambagh, Hyderabad Sale Notice 31.03.2025 upto 04:00 PM 01.04.2025 between 02:00 P.M to 03:00 P.M ( with auto extension of 5 minutes each)

1. Flat No. 2 at Lakshmi Vallabha Heights, 8th lane, Syamala Nagar, Guntur District, Nallapadu Sub District


2. An extent of 730.5 Sq. Yds with godown, at Guntur District, Guntur Sub-District, present Nallapadu Sub District, Ankireddypalem Village Panchayat area in Ankireddypalem village

3. An extent of 311 + 274 Sq. Yds, Guntur District, Nallapadu Sub District, with in the Municipal Corporation Limits of Guntur, for which town survey has not been held in Ankireddypalem village, D.No.162/C and 170

4. An extent of 401.3/4 + 400 + 363 ½ + 363 ½ + 363 ½ + 1651.7 Sq. Yds, at Guntur District, Nallapadu Registration Sub District with in the Municipal Corporation Limits of Guntur, Ankireddypalem area, bearing D.No.168/3A

5. An extent of 658 ½ + 1312 Sq. yds, Guntur District, Guntur Sub District. Present Nallapadu Sub District, with in the Municipal Corporation Limits of Guntur, for which town survey has not been held in Ankireddypalem village, D.No.168/3

6. An extent of 727 Sq. Yds, Guntur District, Nallapadu Sub District in Guntur Municipal Corporation area in Ankireddypalem Village D.No.168/2

7. An extent of 150 + 150 + 150 + 150 + 150+150 Sq. Yd, Guntur District, Nallapadu Sub District in Guntur Municipal Corporation area in Nallapadu Village D.No.31/A, equivalent ward No.18, block No.21, T.S.No.1715

8. An extent of 822 + 548 + 283 + 274 Sq. Yds, Guntur District, Nallapadu Sub District in Guntur New Municipal Corporation area in Ankireddypalem Sivaru, Ankireddypalem Village D.No.260/B

9. An extent of 1527 Sq. Yds, Guntur District, Nallapadu Sub District in Guntur Municipal Corporation area for which town survey has not been held in Ankireddypalem Village D.No.174

10. An extent of Ac. 0.47 cents, Guntur District, Nallapadu Sub District, Ankireddypalem, Lalupuram Grama Panchayat area in
Ankireddypalem Village D.No.285/A

11. An extent of 1511 Sq. Yds, Guntur District, Nallapadu Sub District, Guntur Municipal Corporation area, Ankireddypalem village, Patta No.314, D. No.189, Guntur Mandal Surveyor F.L.R No.710/2013, dt.10.08.2013 as per re survey Ankireddypalem village, D.No.189/B

Sale Notice 31.03.2025 upto 04:00 PM 01.04.2025 between 02:00 P.M to 03:00 P.M ( with auto extension of 5 minutes each)

Commercial Unit Bearing no. 415 on 4th floor, without roof rights/terrace right, measuring 5300 sq. ft. covered area, City Centre Mall, developed on Plot no. 1B3 (measuring 6762 sq. mtr.), situated at Twin District Centre, Sector-10, Rohini, Delhi 110085

(Currently property is in possession of lessee (J K Enterprises) on Superdari in the light of order dated 04/05/2024 passed by DRT-1, Delhi in S.A. No. 104/2024 and the said possession shall be vacated by lessee on successful Auction)

Terms and Conditions

Sale Notice

15 March 2025 upto 5:00 p.m.

17 March 2025

12:00 NOON - 1:00 PM

Online Auction Platform

1 Commercial Unit no. 317 (without Roof Right), C & D, 3rd Floor, Centre Mall, situated on Plot no. 1B3 (Covered Area : 624.77 sqr mtr or say 6725 sq ft), Twin District Center, Sector 10, Rohini, New Delhi 110085

Terms and Conditions

Sale Notice

15 March 2025 upto 5:00 p.m.

17 March 2025 From 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Online Auction Platform

1 Khata No. 71, Plot No. 78, 113, 74/485, 77/486, 116/487 Khata No. 100, Plot No. 332/698, Khata No. 105, Plot No. 131, 69/517, 70/518, 154/519, 159/520; Khata No. 46, Plot No. 69/491, 71/492, 153/493; Khata No. 70, Plot No. 138, 139; Khata No. 125, Plot No. 89, Plot No. 117, 74/486; Admeasuring total 20.13 acres, Situated at Village - Kundeijharan, P.S. - Kesinga, Tahasil - Narla, District - Kalahandi, Orrisa.
Owned by: Mr. Suresh Kumar Jain
Sale Notice 02-04-2025 till 05:00 p.m. 03-04-2025 (11:30 AM till 12:30 PM)
through Website:
1 All that piece and parcel of House 62, Niti Khand- I, admeasuring 220.22 Sq. mtr. (Super Covered area 134.84 Sq. mtr) Indirapuram, Ghaziabad owned by Mr. Sanjay Chaudhary Sale Notice 17/03/2025 up to 4:00 PM

18/03/2025 from 10 AM to 11 AM

Online Auction Platform


Lot No. 1: - All that part and Parcel of property in the name of Sushil Kumar Jain, bearing Plot No.- 9, part of Survey No. 355(P), land area admeasuring 286 Square feet, (Together with the construction thereon) situated at Annapurna Complex, Agrasen Road, Mouza - Bhaisthan, Ramsagarpara, Village - Chirhuldih, P.H. No. 106, R.I.C. - Raipur-1, Ramsagarpara Ward No. -17, City Tahsil and District Raipur, Chhattisgarh and bounded by (as per sale deed) in North by: Other's Property, in South by - Road; in East by - Seller's Property and in West by - Seller's Property

Lot No. 2: - All that Part and Parcel of Property in the name of Chandrakala Jain, bearing office No. 327, Carpet Area Admeasuring - 165 sq. ft. (Together with the construction thereon) situated at third floor of Arihant Complex, Part of Municipal House No. 12/358 to 365, Kalkarpara Ward No. 14 (Old) Indira Gandhi Ward No. 20 (New), Station Road, Village Raipur Khas, P.H. NO. 106-A, R.I.C. - Raipur-I City, Tahsil and District Raipur, Chhattisgarh and bounded by (as per sale deed) - in North By- Passage of building, in South by- Road, in East by- Office No. 326 and in West by- Office No. 328

Lot No. 3: - All that Part and Parcel of Property in the name of Chandrakala Jain bearing Flat No.- D-105 of Block D of Shri Krishna Apartment, admeasuring Built up Area-784.93 Sq. Ft. and Balcony area-90.93 Sq. Ft. Total Area- 875.86 Sq. Ft., (Together with the construction thereon) situated at part of Survey No.- 625/4-7, 625/5-8. 625/9-10, Village Mova, P.H. No. 109, R.I.C. Raipur-1, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Ward No. 27, City, Tahsil and District Raipur, Chhattisgarh and bounded by (as per sale deed) in North by: Flat No. A-106, in South by - Open Space, in East by - Open Space and in West by- Corridor

Lot No. 4: - All the part and parcel of property in the name of Chandra Kala Jain and Sanju Jain, bearing Survey No. 778/11 land area measuring 0.166 Hectares (17860 Square feet), (Together with the construction thereon), situated at Village -Hirapur alias Jarway, P.H. No. 103, R.I.C. -Raipur -I, Ramkrishna Paramhans, Ward No. 2, City Tahsil and District - Raipur (C.G.) and bounded by (as per sale deed) in North by: Property of Nandkishore, in South by - Property of Lahoti, in East by - Canal and in West by- Road

Lot No. 5: - All that part and parcel of property in the name of Sushil Industries (Prop: Sushil Kumar Jain), bearing Plot No. 48/6 (P), land admeasuring - 0.093 hectare or 10000 sq. ft. (Together with construction thereon), situated at Village - Gondwara, P H No.108, Yatiyatan Ward No.4, City, Tahsil and District Raipur, Chhattisgarh and bounded (as per sale deed) in North By- Seller's Property, in South By- Property Sold to other by seller, in East By- Road and in West By- Road

Lot No. 6: - All that Part and Parcel of Property in the name of Mr. Bihari Lal Jain, bearing Plot No. 32, part of Survey No 696/7, admeasuring - 2400 sq. ft., (Together with the construction thereon) situated at Swami Atmanand Ward No. 15, Samta Colony, Village - Chirhuldih, P.H. No. - 106 -B, R.I.C. Raipur-I, City, Tahsil and District Raipur-Chhattisgarh and bounded by (as per sale deed) in North By Plot no. 26, in South By- Road, in East By- Plot No. 31 and in West By- Plot No. 31

Sale Notice 04-04-2025 (For all Lot Nos.) till 05:00 p.m. For Lot No. 1: 07-04-2025 (10:00 AM till 11:00 AM)
For Lot No. 2: 07-04-2025 (01:00 PM till 02:00 PM)
For Lot No. 3: 07-04-2025 (04:00 PM till 05:00 PM)
For Lot No. 4: 08-04-2025 (10:00 AM till 11:00 AM)
For Lot No. 5: 08-04-2025 (01:00 PM till 02:00 PM)
For Lot No. 6: 08-04-2025 (04:00 PM till 05:00 PM)
through Website:

Exclusive Mortgage on land of 14.60 acres (1.96 acres is owned by Trust and 12.64 acres is owned by Trustee) and buildings at “Bharathi Vidhyalaya CBSE School & Bharathi Vidhyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School” at Old S.F.No.242, 164 A to J, 165 & New S.F.Nos.112/2, 112/2A, 112/2B, 111/2, 111/2A, 111/2B, 111/2A2, Veerapandi Village & Vellalapalayam Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode, Tamil Nadu - 638476 and bounded by:

North: Private Property / State Highway-15

South: Private Property

East: Private Property

West: Nehru Street


Commercial land admeasuring 0.44 acres located at New S.F. Nos.112/1 & 112/2, 112/2A, Vellalapalayam Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode, Tamil Nadu – 638476, belonging to Mr. P.R. Velumani and bounded by:

North: Property belonging to Bhagyalakshmi & Parimala Devi

South: Property belonging to Velumani, Bhagyalakshmi & Ors

East: Common pathway belonging to Bhagyalakshmi & Ors

West: Property belonging to Parimala Devi

Sale Notice 12/03/2025 till 04.00 PM 13/03/2025 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. E-Auction at

1. All that piece and parcel of Property - Room No. 106 & Room No. 107 built up area 24.817 Sq. Mtr. & 17.788 Sq. Mtr. Situated at Land Survey No. 307A/4A in Plot No. 2, Final Plot No. 139, Shalimar, Mauje Nashik City, Maharashtra admeasuring 17.329 Sq. Mtr. standing in the name of Mrs. Meghana Vedprakash Tibrewala & Mrs. Sonali Manish.

2. All that piece and parcel of Property - Stores Situated at Land Survey No. 307A/4A in Plot No. 2, Final Plot No. 139, Shalimar, Mauje Nashik City, Maharashtra admeasuring 17.329 Sq. Mtr. standing in the name of Mr. Manish Raghunath Tibrewala & Mr. Vedprakash Raghunath Tibrewala

3. All that piece and parcel of Property Shop No. 4 Situated at Land Survey No. 307A/4A in Plot No. 2, Final Plot No. 139, Shalimar, Mauje Nashik City, Maharashtra admeasuring 270 Sq. Ft. standing in the name of Mr. Vedprakash Raghunath Tibrewala

4. All that piece and parcel of Property Shop No. 5 Situated at Land Survey No. 307A/4A in Plot No. 2, Final Plot No. 139, Shalimar, Mauje Nashik City, Maharashtra admeasuring 270 Sq. Ft. standing in the name of Mr. Manish Raghunath Tibrewala

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

17/03/2025 upto 4:00 PM 18/03/2025 11:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M

1. All that the piece and parcel of semi-finished independent house on plot no.63 south part, admeasuring 153.5 Sq. Yds or 128.34 Sq. Mtrs., having plinth area of ground floor 810 Sft., in survey nos. 154,188 and 189 parts, situated at Gandhinagar, Sahebnagar Kalan village, Hayathnagar Revenue mandal, Ranga Reddy District, under ward no.5, block no.2, of G.H.M.C, L. B Nagar Circle with in the district registration Ranga Reddy East, Sub- District Vanastalipuram

2. All that piece and parcel of the newly constructed house its considering ground floor and first floor on plot No.2, admeasuring an area of 197 Sq. Yards equivalent to 164.61 Sq. Mtrs., having ground floor plinth area 1189 Sq. Feet, and first floor plinth area 1189 Sq. Feet in all 2378 Sq. Feet in Survey No.140 part, situated at near Bank Colony(adjacent to Bhavani Enclave), Sahebnagar Kalan village, Hayathnagar Revenue Mandal, Ranga Reddy District, under ward No.5 And block No.2 of Hayathnagar circle of Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation Limits, under registration at Sub-district,

Sale Notice 19.03.2025 upto 04:00 PM 20.03.2025 between 02:00 P.M to 03:00 P.M ( with auto extension of 5 minutes each)

1. All that the Flat No.101 in First Floor admeasuring 1250 sq. ft., together with undivided land area of 40 sq. yds., of the premises bearing MCH No. 12-2-112, admeasuring 705 sq. Yds., situated at Murad Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana and the complex known as “Alaf Plaza” and bounded by and property belongs to Mr. Hasan Abdullah Bin Hamza: (Under Physical Possession)

2. All the part and parcel of the double storey house bearing Municipal No.12-2-330/B/3 covering an area of 180 sq. yards situated at Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad

3. The house Municipal No.20-5-245/A (portion of house No. 20-5-245) Mega City No.100, admeasuring 163.57 Square Yards equal to 136.12 Square Mtrs., situated Khazipura, Hyderabad, Telangana

4. All that finished flat bearing No.303 (Flat MCH No. 12-2-831/45/45/A/303) (in third floor), admeasuring 820sq.ft., plinth area (inclusive of common areas) and parking area 100sq.ft., together with 28.0 square yards or 23.40 Sq. Meters, (proportionate undivided share of land out of 534 Sq. Yards on property bearing No.65/M4, MCH No. 12-2-831/45, and 45 A, Mega city No.157, situated at Housing Board Colony, Mehdipatnam, Hyderabad, Telangana

Sale Notice 17.03.2025 upto 04:00 PM 18.03.2025 between 02:00 P.M to 03:00 P.M ( with auto extension of 5 minutes each)
1 All that Piece and Parcel of Property Measuring 112.7/9 Sq Yards, Bearing Muncipal No. B-2-2235/1/1602/H-1, Situated in Gandhi Nagar, Ludhiana and Comprised of Khata No. 2131/2310 Khasra No. 46//1/2, 10 As Entered in Jamabandi for Years 1980-1981 Of Village Taraf Karabara Hadbast No. 161, Tehsil & District Ludhiana, Punjab- 141008.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

27.02.2025 up to 4.00 PM 28.02.2025 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)
1 All That Piece And Parcel Of Land Bearing No - Plot No 1 Gayatri Nagar Khasra No 234 To 236 238 To 242, 265, 266 To 270 Revenue Village Sunderwas Udaipur (Rajasthan) 313001 Having Admeasuring Area 1151.2 Sq. Ft.., Which Is Bounded As Follows: -Property Owner: - Poonam Sharma W/O Harish Sharma East: Road, West: Kashra No 238, North: Road, South: Plot Of Gautam Lal & Santa Vaya.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

25/02/2025 upto 4:00 PM 27/02/2025 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  All that piece and parcel of property bearing no. C-93, One Half Undivided share of entire Second Floor with half front roof rights along with One Servant Quarter Consisting of One Room and Independent Toilet on the Top Floor of Garrage Portion, measuring 562.4 sq. yds., situated in the area of Village Madipur and the Colony known as Shivaji Park, New Delhi. 110026

Terms and Conditions

Sale Notice

24.02.2025 upto 4.00 PM 25.02.2025 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)

Terms and Conditions 

Sale Notice

25/02/2025 upto 4:00 PM 27/02/2025 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
1.  Plot Nos. 101, 102, 103 and 104 (266.66X4) measuring an extent of 1066.64 Sq. yards or 891.849 Sq. Mtrs., and approved by Madhurawada Panchayat vide RC No. 24, dated 26-05-1972 bearing Patta No. 720 thereon covered by Survey No. 361 of Madhurawada Village within the limits of Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation and Sub-registrar Office, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh Terms and Conditions 15/03/2025 till 4:00 P.M

On 17/03/2025 from 11.00 am to 12.00 Pm

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1.  Plot Nos.108, 109 and 110 (266.66 X 3) measuring an extent of 800 Sq. yards or 668.904 Sq. meters, and approved by Madhurawada Panchayat vide RC No. 24, dated 26-05-1972 bearing Patta No. 720 thereon covered by Survey No. 361 of Madhurawada Village within the limits of Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation and Sub-registrar Office, Madhurawada, Visakhapatnam District, Andhra Pradesh Terms and Conditions 15/03/2025 till 4:00 P.M

On 17/03/2025 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1. West part of Plot No. 29, Bafna Park Colony, Maxi Road By Pass, Tehsil & Ujjain (M.P) 456001 Sale Notice 25-Feb-2025 till 5:00 PM 27-Feb-2025
1.  Plot No. AC-77, (Asoka Court) of "Empire Victory Colony", Vill-Palda, Tehsil & Dist. Indore MP-452001, land admeasuring total area 1125 Sq Ft (104.55 Sq Mtrs) and construction thereon, existing and future and bounded as under: East: Road North: Plot No. AC -76 West: Plot No AC-70 South: Plot No. AC - 78 Sale Notice 25-Feb-2025 till 5:00 PM 27-Feb-2025
1 All That Piece And Parcel Of Land Bearing No - R. S No. 44 & 45, Plot No. 5, Sub Plot No. 5 A, Ward No. 11, New C.S. No. 2787, Sheetno. 244, Verai Krupa Royal Park Ganesh Cold Storeg Road Gulab Nagar Navanagna Jamnagar -361001 Having Admeasuring Area 102.69 Sq. Mtr.

Sales Notice

Terms & Conditions

19/02/2025 upto 4:00 PM 20/02/2025 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

Property 1:
All The Piece And Parcel Property Bearing Flat No. H/8, Admeasuring About 102.19, Sq. Mtrs. Super Build Up Area, 59.09 Sq. Mtrs. Build Up Situated On The 8th Floor, "Punamratna Gardens Apartment" Constructed On Land Bearing Revenue Survey No. 79/3, Which Also Bears Final Plot No. 34, Having Plot No. C & D, Total Admeasuring About 1107 Sq. Mtrs. Of T.P. Scheme No. 8 Of Umarwada Which Is Now Having City Survey No. 3319/A/B/K/D Of Ward Umarwada Within District Together With Proportionate Share In The Said Land" Surat.

Property 2:
All The Piece And Parcel Property Bearing Flat No. 8-G Admeasuring About 102.23, Sq. Mtrs. Super Build Up And 64.88 Sq. Mtrs. Build Up Situated On The 8th Floor Of "Punamratna Gardens Apartments" Constructed On Land Bearing Revenue Survey No. 79/3 Which Also Bears Final Plot No. 34 Having Plot No. C And D Total Admeasuring About 1107 Sq. Mtrs. Of T.P. Scheme No. 8 Of Umarwada Which Is Now Having City Survey No. 3319/A/B/K/D Of Ward Umarwadav Within District Togheter With Proportionate Share In The Said Land" Surat

Sale Notice

Terms & Conditions

19/02/2025 upto 4:00 PM

19/02/2025 upto 4:00 PM

20/02/2025 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
1 Flat No 707 on the 7th floor in building known as Regency Garden "B Wing" admeasuring 464 Sq Ft Carpet situated on land and ground lying and situated at Village Chikanghar Taluka Kalyan, within the limits of Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation. Sale Notice 25-Feb-2025 till 5:00 PM 27-Feb-2025
1 All part and parcel of unit numbers 122, 118, 119, 123, 125-A, 125-B, 127, 128, 128-A situated on first floor and unit numbers of 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51 at Ground Floor of Universal Trade Tower, Sector-49, Sohna Road, situated at Village Tikri, Gurgaon, Haryana owned by Raman Puri & Madhu Puri Sale Notice 10.03.2025 till 12 Noon

11.03.2025 from 11 AM to 12 Noon

through Online Auction Platform

1 All part and parcel of unit numbers 122-A, 122-B, 124, 124-A, 124-B, 125, 142, 143 situated on first floor of Universal Trade Tower, Sector-49, Sohna Road, situated at Village Tikri, Gurgaon, Haryana owned by Raman Puri Sale Notice 20.02.2025 till 12 Noon 21.02.2025 from 11 AM to 12 Noon through Online Auction Platform
1 Flat No 203, Divya Apartment, plot no 23,,120, eastern industrial area, Chikhali (Deo), Nagpur- 440008 Sale Notice 25-February-2025 till 5:00 PM 27-February-2025 (11:00 AM - 12:00 PM)

Sale Notice

Terms & Conditions

20.02.2025 upto 4.00 PM 21.02.2025 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)

Exclusive Mortgage on land of 14.60 acres (1.96 acres is owned by Trust and 12.64 acres is owned by Trustee) and buildings at "Bharathi Vidhyalaya CBSE School & Bharathi Vidhyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School" at Old S.F.No.242, 164 A to J, 165 & New S.F.Nos.112/2, 112/2A, 112/2B, 111/2, 111/2A, 111/2B, 111/2A2, Veerapandi Village & Vellalapalayam Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode, Tamil Nadu - 638476 and bounded by:

North: Private Property / State Highway-15

South: Private Property

East: Private Property

West: Nehru Street


Commercial land admeasuring 0.44 acres located at New S.F. Nos.112/1 & 112/2, 112/2A, Vellalapalayam Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode, Tamil Nadu - 638476, belonging to Mr. P.R. Velumani and bounded by:

North: Property belonging to Bhagyalakshmi & Parimala Devi

South: Property belonging to Velumani, Bhagyalakshmi & Ors

East: Common pathway belonging to Bhagyalakshmi & Ors

West: Property belonging to Parimala Devi

Sale Notice

18/02/2025 till 04.00 PM 19/02/2025 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. E-Auction at
1 Gold Loan - Lot 1 Telangana

Sale Notice

Terms & Conditions

27th Jan 2025 and time upto 6.00 pm 28.01.2025 Time 2.30PM

Lot No. 1:

All that piece and parcel of Land together with the House build upon that being Sabak Plot No. 336, Sabak Khata No. 169, Mouza-Naupada, Area-Ac.0.040dec. corresponding to Hal Khata No. 614/538, Plot No. 336/3044, Area-Ac.0.040 dec., Kisam: - Gharbari, Cuttack, butted and bounded: -

In the North by: Sudhir Kumar Sahu; In the South by: Babaji Rana; In the East by: OTS Mill; and In the West by : Road

***The details of the property are more specifically described in the Deed No. 1794 dated 22-04-1999 in the name of Mr. Manoranjan Panda.

Sale Notice 03-03-2025 till 05:00 p.m.

04-03-2025 (11:00 AM till 12:00 noon)

through Website:

1 All The Piece And Parcel Property Bearing Flat No.102, 1st Floor, Shanti Sadan, Lodha Heaven, Nilje Station Road, Next To Registration Office, Shivaji Chowk, Dombivili (E) Thane 421201 Having Admeasuring Area 550 Sq. Ft.

Sale Notice

Terms & Conditions

upto 4:00 PM
30/01/2025 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM
1 All that piece and parcel of House 62, Niti Khand- I, admeasuring 220.22 Sq. mtr. (Super Covered area 134.84 Sq. mtr) Indirapuram, Ghaziabad owned by Mr. Sanjay Chaudhary Sale Notice 17/02/2025 up to 4:00 PM

For Property – 19/02/2025 from 10 AM to 11 AM

Online Auction Platform:

1 All that piece and parcel of Residential plot no. 43, situated at Gadhi Bhadauriya, Alok Nagar, Loha Mandi ward, tehsil & Distt. Agra (measuring area 305 sq. mtrs. ) owned by Mr. Subhash Chandra alias Subhash Chandra Vohra Terms & Conditions 12/02/2025 up to 4:00 PM

For Property – 14/02/2025 from 10 AM to 11 AM

Online Auction Platform:


Lot No. 1:

Property 1:
All that Office No. 215, 1st Floor admeasuring Super/Built up area 120.54 sq. ft. height 10’5 feet, of “Shubh Business Tower”, situated at Bhaisthan Road, Ramsagar Para, Ward No. 17, Raipur, P.H. No. 106 A, Tahsil and District Raipur, Chhattisgarh-492001 (along with proportionate undivided share of area/ land as per deed) The said Office is in the limit of Nagar Nigam Raipur butted and bounded by: In North:- Saluja Steel; In South : Common passage; In East : Office No. 216; In West : Office No. 214
**The details/description of property is more specifically described in the Sale Deed no. 3126 executed on 13.09.2013 in the name of Mr. Gobinda Prasad Sharma.

Property 2:
All that Office No. 216, 1st Floor admeasuring Super/Built up area 120.54 sq. ft. height 10’5 feet, of “Shubh Business Tower”, situated at Bhaisthan Road, Ramsagar Para, Ward No. 17, Raipur, P.H. No. 106 A, Tahsil and District Raipur, Chhattisgarh-492001(along with proportionate undivided share of area/ land as per deed) The said Office is in the limit of Nagar Nigam Raipur butted and bounded by: In North:- Saluja Steel; In South : Common passage; In East : Office No. 216 A; In West : Office No. 215
**The details/description of property is more specifically described in the Sale Deed no. 2253 executed on 21.05.2014 in the name of Mr. Gobinda Prasad Sharma.

Lot No. 2:

All that Flat bearing the Flat No. 303 in the 3rd Floor, Block-B, Built up Area 1450 sq. ft., situated of “Om Shree King Code”, Part of survey / Kh. No. 141/1 & 150/1, Area 0.042 Hect., Kh. No. 152, Area 0.060 Hect., Kh. No. 153, Area 0.053 Hect., Kh. No. 154/1, Area 0.030 Hect., Kh. No. 162/3 & 207/33, Area 0.232 Hect., part of Kh. No. 162/7 & 207/47, Area of 0.036 Hect., Total admeasuring Area 0.453 Hect. Or 48760 sq. ft. & survey/ Kh. No. 151/2-3-4-5-6, Area 0.045 Hect. and 151/7, Area 0.042 Hect., Total Area 0.087 Hect. or 9363 sq. ft., Total Land Area admeasuring 58123 sq. ft., situated at Khamhardih, Shankar Nagar, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Ward No. 27, RIC-Raipur-1, P.H. No. 110, Tah. & District Raipur, Chhattisgarh-492001 and bounded by as per map attached with Sale Deed.
**The details/description of property is more specifically described in the Sale Deed duly registered on 20.03.2017 in Book No.A-1, Volume No. 72845 at Serial No.- 7840 of SRI in the office of the Sub-Registrar, Raipur, Chhattisgarh in the name of Mr. Gobinda Prasad Sharma.

Sale Notice 17-02-2025 till 05:00 p.m. (For all Lot Nos.) For Lot No. 1: 18-02-2025 (11:00 AM till 12:00 noon)
For Lot No. 2: 19-02-2025 (11:00 AM till 12:00 noon)
through Website:
1 All that the house No.5-35/304/B2 with plinth area of 200sft, on Plot no.9 part, admeasuring 408.88 Sq. Yards or equivalent to 341.82 Sq. Mtrs., in survey No. 455, situated at Maitrinagar, Kukatpally village and mandal, under GHMC Kukatpally circle, Medchal-Malakajgiri District

Terms & Conditions

11.02.2025 upto 04:00 PM 13.02.2025 between 02:00 P.M to 03:00 P.M ( with auto extension of 5 minutes each)
1 All that piece and parcel of land with building bearing Old Municipal No. 580/1, New No. CH-44/1, situated at Vani Vilasa Road, Lakshmipura, Chamaraja Mohalla, Mysore City and bounded on the North by Property belongs to Balaraje Arasinavar; South by Vani Vilas Road; East by Property belongs to Rangarao & Sons and West by Property belongs to Rajasekharappa, measuring East to West – 71 feet and North to South 149 feet in total an extent of 10579 Sq. ft.

Sale Notice

Terms & Conditions

20.01.2025 upto 4.00 PM 21.01.2025 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)

Sale Notice

Terms & Conditions

16/01/2025 upto 4:00 PM 17/01/2025 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
1 All That Piece And Parcel Of Property Bearing Plot No A /69 Admeasuring 700 Sq. Ft., Un Divided Share In The Land Of Khodiyar Nagar Situated At Block No. 26/B Area Admeasuring 20770 Sq. Mts And Akar Rs. 14.94 Paisa And City Survey No. 3267/b/67, City Survey Admeasuring 80.02 Sq. Mts. City Survey Ward Olpad Sheet No.69 Of Moje Olpad Surat (GJ)

Sale Notice

Terms & Conditions

21/01/2025 upto 4:00 PM 22nd Jan 2025
12:30 PM to 01:30 PM
1 All that piece and parcel of an extent of Ac 0.50 cents of converted land in R.S. No.130/1, Ibrahimpatnam Village and Panchayath, Krishna District, on the file of Sub Registrar, Ibrahimpatnam, Vijayawada District Registrar Sale Notice 20.01.2025 upto 04:00 PM 21.01.2025 between 10:00 A.M to 11:00 A.M ( with auto extension of 5 minutes each)
1 1. Residential Apartment bearing Flat No.203, Second Floor, in Block-B, Wing C, in "Sri Krishna Excel Stone", Sy.Nos.73/5 & 73/6, Balagere Village, Varthur Hobli, Bangalore East Taluk, Bangalore – 560087
2. Residential Apartment Bearing No. 403, in the 4th floor, block B, in wing C, in the multi-storeyed Residential Apartment Building Known as “ SRI KRISHNA EXCEL STONE” constructed over Sy No. 73/5 and Sy. No. 73/6, Belagere Village, Varthur Hobli, Bangalore East Taluk.
3. Vacant site No.13, SY No.130, Katha No.578/537/20/13, Nagadevanhalli Village, Kengeri, Bangalore south Taluk.
4. Vacant site No.31, SY No.130, Katha No.578/537/20/13, Nagadevanhalli Village, Kengeri, Bangalore south Taluk.
Terms & Conditions 17/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M 20/01/2025 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 All that piece and parcel of one residential Flat, containing an Area of 750 Sq. feet, super Built Up Area more or less being Block-6 on the South Eastern Side of the Third Floor of the Building situated at Premises No. 96 B, Ashutosh Mukherjee Road, P.S. Bhowanipur, under Ward no. 71 of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Kolkata -700025 along with the undivided impartible proportionate share or interest in the land at the said premises as mentioned above.
***The details of the property are more specifically described in the Deed No 9181 dated 29.10.2010 in the name of M/s Dynamic Scaffolding & Equipment Co. represented by its sole proprietor - Mr. Bikramajit Ray.
Sale Notice 05-02-2025 till 05:00 p.m. 06-02-2025 from 11:30 am to 12:30 Pm through Website:

1. Exclusive Mortgage on land of 14.60 acres (1.96 acres is owned by Trust and 12.64 acres is owned by Trustee) and buildings at “Bharathi Vidhyalaya CBSE School & Bharathi Vidhyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School” at Old S.F.No.242, 164 A to J, 165 & New S.F.Nos.112/2, 112/2A, 112/2B, 111/2, 111/2A, 111/2B, 111/2A2, Veerapandi Village & Vellalapalayam Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode, Tamil Nadu - 638476 and bounded by:

North: Private Property / State Highway-15

South: Private Property

East: Private Property

West: Nehru Street


Commercial land admeasuring 0.44 acres located at New S.F. Nos.112/1 & 112/2, 112/2A, Vellalapalayam Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode, Tamil Nadu – 638476, belonging to Mr. P.R. Velumani and bounded by:

North: Property belonging to Bhagyalakshmi & Parimala Devi

South: Property belonging to Velumani, Bhagyalakshmi & Ors

East: Common pathway belonging to Bhagyalakshmi & Ors

West: Property belonging to Parimala Devi


2. Commercial Land and Building admeasuring 1.67 acres located at Old SF.No.79, New T.S.Nos.2 & 3, Modachur Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode belonging to Late Mr.P.P.Ramanandham and his legal heirs.

Terms & Conditions 28/01/2025 till 04.00 PM 29/01/2025 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. E-Auction at
1 An extent of 333.4 Sq. yds, under five items, along with a building therein, with door number: 5-44, block number 5, Komaripalem Village, Biccavolu Mandal, Biccavolu SRO, East Godavari District Terms & Conditions 07/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M On 08/01/2025 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 An extent of 375.18 Sq. Yds, along with a building, bearing door number 6-353, with assessment no.2301, in survey number: 353/5, in Anaparthi Village, Anaparthi Mandal, Anaparthi SRO, East Godavari District. Terms & Conditions 07/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M On 08/01/2025 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 An extent of 220 Sq. Yds vacant site in Plot No.60, C. No.240/2012/R, L.P. No.66/2012/R approved by Deputy Director of Town & Country Planning, Rajahmundry, in Ac 4.98 cents in S. No.145/1, 145/2, 145/3, 138/1, 139/1, 139/3, in Nadkuduru (V) & Panchayath, Karapa (M), Kakinada Registry, E.G. Dist. Terms & Conditions 07/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M On 08/01/2025 from 02.00 pm to 03.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 A total extent of Ac 1.17 cents = 5662.8 sq. yards of non-agriculture, in block no.1 to the nearest D. No. 1-89 in Komaripalem (V) & Gramapanchayath, Biccavolu Mandal, Biccavolu SRO, East Godavari Dist., Andhra Pradesh. Terms & Conditions 07/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M On 08/01/2025 from 03.00 pm to 04.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 Stressed Loan - MFI Retail Pool Sale Notice 30-12-2024 till 11:00 AM  
1 Door No. 16/520-8-1 and 16/543-4, Plot No's.12, 13, 14 and 15 in Sy No. 14/5, Ward No.16th, Situated at Chinnachowk Village, Near Devuni Kadapa Road, Kadapa Municipal Corporation Limits, Kadapa District. Terms & Conditions 06/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M

On 07/01/2025 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 Door No. 15/206 (Old) and 15-272 (New), Situated at Bandlamitta Street, Kadapa Municipality and Town, Kadapa District - 516001 Terms & Conditions 06/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M On 07/01/2025 from 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 T.S No.158/1, Pandurangapet, Ward No.1, Block No.6, Akkalavari Street, Tilak Road, Ganganammapeta, Tenali Municipality, Guntur Dist. Terms & Conditions 04/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M On 06/01/2025 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 Flat No. 202, 2nd Floor, Vasavi Homes, Old TS No.326, New TS no.631, RS No.631, Ward no.9, Block No.6, Near Door No.10-7-17, Padmanabhunivari Street, Ganganammapet, Tenali, Guntur Dist. Terms & Conditions 04/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M On 06/01/2025 from 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

Commercial Property (Factory)
Property 1: All that land admeasuring 300 sq. Yds in plot no. I-1A, in RS No. 235/1 situate at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division, West Godavari district. Property 2: All that plot nos. 22 and 27 admeasuring 323.3 sq. Yds in RS No. 227/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division, West Godavari district. Property 3: All that land admeasuring0-28 cents or 1355.2 sq. Yds in RS No. 234/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division West Godavari district. Property 4: All that Industrial building admeasuring 300 sq. Yds plot no. I-3, RS NO. 235/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, West Godavari district. Property 5: All that plot no. H-2, on land measuring 300 sq. Yds in RS No. 235/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru sub division, West Godavari district.
*Together with the buildings and structures constructed/to be constructed thereon and all the fixed and fittings annexure thereto.

Residential Property :
Property 1: All that land admeasuring 0.15 cents or 726 sq. yds in RS No. 180, situated at Chodimella Village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, Eluru revenue division, West Godavari district. Property 2: All that land admeasuring Ac 0-5 cents or 0-020 hectors or 242 sq. Yds in RS No. 179 situated at Chodimella Village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, West Godavari district. Property 3: All that land admeasuring 418.6 sq. Yds in RS No. 179/3A, situated at Chodimella village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, Eluru Sub division, West Godavari district.

Terms & Conditions

06/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M

06/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M

on 07/01/2025 from 10.00 am to 11:00am with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

on 07/01/2025 from 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.

1 Apartment bearing No. 306 in ‘A’ Block, Third Floor “AQUA 1” situated at Kannamangala village, Kasaba Hobli, Devanahalli Taluk, Bangalore District, measuring 1145 Sq.ft., and (331 Sq. Ft., of undivided right) of super built-up area inclusive of proportionate share in common areas such as passages, lobbies, lifts, staircases and other areas of common use with One (1) covered Car parking space. Terms & Conditions 06/01/2025 till 4:00 P.M 04/01/2025 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 All that Piece and Parcel of Property Measuring 112.7/9 Sq Yards, Bearing Muncipal No. B-2-2235/1/1602/H-1, Situated in Gandhi Nagar, Ludhiana and Comprised of Khata No. 2131/2310 Khasra No. 46//1/2, 10 As Entered in Jamabandi for Years 1980-1981 Of Village Taraf Karabara Hadbast No. 161, Tehsil & District Ludhiana, Punjab- 141008.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

27.12.2024 up to 4.00 PM 30.12.2024 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)
1 All part and parcel of unit numbers 122, 118, 119, 123, 125-A, 125-B, 127, 128, 128-A situated on first floor and unit numbers of 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51 at Ground Floor of Universal Trade Tower, Sector-49, Sohna Road, situated at Village Tikri, Gurgaon, Haryana owned by Raman Puri & Madhu Puri Sale Notice 30.12.2024 till 12 Noon

31.12.2024 from 11 AM to 12 Noon

through Online Auction Platform:

1 All part and parcel of unit numbers 122-A, 122-B, 124, 124-A, 124-B, 125, 142, 143 situated on first floor of Universal Trade Tower, Sector-49, Sohna Road, situated at Village Tikri, Gurgaon, Haryana owned by Raman Puri Sale Notice 02.01.2025 till 12 Noon

03.01.2025 from 11 AM to 12 Noon 

through Online Auction Platform:

1 Immovable property of flat no I/301 on 3rd floor, type A adm 87.83 Sq. mtrs construction and Adm 25.89 Sq mtrs undivided land share (Adm 113.72 Sq Mtrs Super built up contruction) and adm 39.54 Sq Mtrs. Undivided land share (As per sale deed no 7393/2013) in scheme known as “Krish Residency” situated at: Survey No. 289/2, 289/4, 289/5, 290/1, F.P. No 93/1 and 93/2 of T.P.S No 103 of Mouje : Nikol, Taluka: Asarwa Dist: Ahmedabad. Sale Notice 16-01-2025 till 5:00 PM 17-01-2025
(11:00 AM till 12:00 PM)
1 All that self-contained Residential Flat on the ground floor, South Side of Four Storey Building, measuring about super built up area of 430 sq. ft. more or less consisting of One Bed Room, One Kitchen, one Toilet and one Mezzanine Floor measuring about 140 Sq. Ft. more or less along with one covered garage on the ground floor measuring about 140 Sq. Ft. more or less of the building built and constructed at or upon the Plot of Land measuring 2 Cottahs, 13 Chittacks and 30 1/2 Sq. Ft. lying and situated at municipal premises No. 79/18/1 Acharya Jagadish Bose road (Formally 79/18 Lower Circular Road) P.S -Taltola , Kolkata – 700014 within the local limit of the Kolkata Municipal Corporation Ward No. 53 together with undivided share and interest on the land as described in the Gift Deed No. I-1901-08499/2021 dated 23.09.2021 registered on 08/11/2021 in the name of Mr. Amitabha Sen. Sale Notice 21-01-2025 till 05:00 p.m. 22-01-2025 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm through Website:
1 All that undivided proportionate indivisible impartible variable share in the land directly underneath that the office room being Unit No. HRG-309 containing an area of about 125 square feet of Super built up Area erected and constructed on the third floor situated in the said land in the part of Premises No. 19 Synagogue Street, known as “Retained Built Up Portion” of City Centre, P.S. Burra Bazar, Kolkata -700001.
***The details of the property are more specifically described in the Deed No. I-1903-05891 of 2020 dated 23/11/2020 in the name of Mr. Praveen Kumar Pugalia.
Sale Notice 20-01-2025 till 05:00 p.m. 21-01-2025 from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm through Website:
1 Flat No 203, Divya Apartment, plot no 23,,120, eastern industrial area, Chikhali (Deo), Nagpur- 44008 Sale Notice 16-01-2025 till 5:00 PM 17-01-2025
(11:00 AM till 12:00 PM)
1 Flat No 707 on the 7th floor in building known as Regency Garden “B Wing” admeasuring 464 Sq Ft Carpet situated on land and ground lying and situated at Village Chikanghar Taluka Kalyan, within the limits of Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation. Sale Notice 16.01.2025 till 5:00 PM 17.01.2025 (10:30 AM till 11:30 AM)
1 Flat No. 401 (A Wing) admeasuring 540 Sq. Ft Built Up area on the 4th Floor in the building known as Mohan Park lying at Survey No New 11, Old No 39, Hissa No new 2C, old 2P of village MHARAL, Taluka Kalyan, District Thane. Sale Notice 16.01.2025 till 5:00 PM 17.01.2025 (10:30 AM till 11:30 AM)
1 Flat No 104, 1st Floor Heera Building, Hadapsar, Handewadi Road, SP. No. 64/1/2/2, Hadaprar Taluka, Handi Dist- Pune-28. Sale Notice 16-01-2025 till 5:00 PM 17-01-2025
(11:00 AM till 12:00 PM)
1 All that the premises of part of House No. 203, Property No. B-5/177, part situated at Chotti Line Model Town, Near Dav Girls College Back Gate, Yamuna Nagar, Haryana- 135001 measuring 25.83 sq yards.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

26.12.2024 up to 4.00 PM 27.12.2024 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)
1 House No. D-11, Tripti Vihar, Sanwer Road,Tehsil & Distt. Ujjain (M.P) 456010 Sale Notice 16.01.2025 till 5:00 PM 17.01.2025 (10:30 AM till 11:30 AM)
1 West part of Plot No. 29, Bafna Park Colony, Maxi Road By Pass, Tehsil & Ujjain (M.P) 456001 Sale Notice 16.01.2025 till 5:00 PM 17.01.2025 (10:30 AM till 11:30 AM)
1 Plot No. AC-77, (Asoka Court) of “Empire Victory Colony”, Vill-Palda, Tehsil & Dist. Indore MP-452001, land admeasuring total area 1125 Sq Ft (104.55 Sq Mtrs) and construction thereon, existing and future and bounded as under:
East: Road
North: Plot No. AC -76
West: Plot No AC-70
South: Plot No. AC - 78
Sale Notice 16-01-2025 till 5:00 PM 17-01-2025
(11:00 AM till 12:00 PM)
1 All The Piece And Parcel Property Bearing Flat Unit No. A-28, Family Unit No. 603, 6th Floor, Dhebar Tower,
Civil Station Block No. 18, Plot No. 16/4,6,7,8,9
Ηouse Νo 34/335 (New 2/235),
Pt Bhagwati Charan Shukla Ward No. 48, Raipur Khas,
P.H No. 106/A, Mohalla Chhotapara,
Byron Bazar, Raipur-1, Raipur (C.G) 492001
Admeasuring Super Built Up Area 1237.34 Sq.ft.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

26/12/2024 upto 4:00 PM 27/12/2024 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM
1 All That Piece And Parcel Of Land Bearing No - Plot No 1 Gayatri Nagar Khasra No 234 To 236 238 To 242, 265, 266 To 270 Revenue Village Sunderwas Udaipur (Rajasthan) 313001 Having Admeasuring Area 1151.2 Sq. Ft.., Which Is Bounded As Follows: -Property Owner: - Poonam Sharma W/O Harish Sharma East: Road, West: Kashra No 238, North: Road, South: Plot Of Gautam Lal & Santa Vaya.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

21/12/2024 upto 4:00 PM


11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

1 Property located at 1st Floor, admeasuring area 2822 sq. fts. ie. 262.26 sq. mtrs i.e. 313.66 Sq. yd. Along with 1/3 Undivided share in the land of “Jashdhan Appartment”, Mangalam park society, Bhatar, Surat (GJ), Survey No. 152/2, T.P. Scheme No.9, Final Plot No. 183-A, Plot No. 27-D, 28D, Plot No. 29-D admeasuring area 527 Sq. yds. i.e. 440.63 sq. mtrs. of Ward Majura, City Surat, own By. Dipakbhai Dhansukhlal Suratwala. East : 6.09 Mt Wide Road, South : 29-D Paikee, West : Bungalow No. 14-D, 3-B and North : 12.19 Mt Wide Road

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

26/12/2024 upto 4:00 PM 27/12/2024 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

21/12/2024 upto 4:00 PM


11:00 AM to 12:00 PM


Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

21/12/2024 upto 4:00 PM


11:00 AM to 12:00 PM

1 Property No 2:
All That Piece and Parcel of Plot Comprised In Khatta No. 2628, Kitte 12, Rakba 31 Bighe 9 Biswe Its 1/629 Share I.E 1 Biswa (Its Parts), Situated at Karan Vihar, Near Palm Residency, Vikas Nagar, Karnal, Tehsil & District Karnal Measuring 1 Biswa///15ft * 35 Ft/58.33 Sq Yards, Haryana-132001

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

19.12.2024 up to 4.00 PM 20.12.2024 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)
1 All that piece and parcel of Flat no. 311, Block –C, Third Floor, Parking No. 12 (Basement Third Floor), measuring 00 Bigha 00 Biswa 09 Biswasi (1288 sq. fts) out of the total land measuring 23 Bigha 10 Biswa 00 Biswasi, comprised in Khatta No. 27/27, 219/231, Khasra No. 188(3-10), 189(3-10), 190(4-10), 198(4-7), 199(3-13), 200(4-0), Kitte 6, Situated in the New genres Apartment, Village Dhakoli, Sub Tehsil Zirakpur, Hadbast No. 48, District S.A.S Nagar (Mohali) Sale Notice 08/01/2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property – 10/01/2024 from 10 AM to 11 AM

Online Auction Platform

1 Lot No 1
All that the pieces and parcel of immoveable property comprising of Shop No 106 on 1st Floor, Adm 32-16-49 Sq Mtrs build up construction and adm 10.03 sq mtrs undivided land share (As per Sale Deed No 1153/2021) in the scheme known as Shree Kham divine Commercial Complex situated at Block No 941/B Paiki of Mouje : Khatraj Taluka Ahemdabad and District Kheda 382330
Lot No 2
All that the pieces and parcel of immoveable property comprising of Shop No 107 on 1st Floor, Adm 30-08-53 Sq Mtrs build up construction and adm 9.38 sq mtrs undivided land share (As per Sale Deed No 1154/2021) in the scheme known as Shree Kham divine Commercial Complex situated at Block No 941/B Paiki of Mouje : Khatraj Taluka Ahemdabad and District Kheda 382330
Lot No 3
All that the pieces and parcel of immoveable property comprising of Shop No 109 on 1st Floor, Adm 40-20-62 Sq Mtrs build up construction and adm 12.54 sq mtrs undivided land share (As per Sale Deed No 1156/2021) in the scheme known as Shree Kham divine Commercial Complex situated at Block No 941/B Paiki of Mouje : Khatraj Taluka Ahemdabad and District Kheda 382330
Terms & Conditions

24.12.2024 upto 4 pm

24.12.2024 upto 4 pm

24.12.2024 upto 4 pm

26.12.2024 Lot No1 11.00 am to 12.00 pm

26.12.2024 Lot No 2 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm

26.12.2024 Lot No 3 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm


Lot 1:
Registration District & Sub District Vadodara, at Moje Village Gotri, the land bearing Revenue Survey No 779 Paiki, Town Planning Scheme No 63, Final Plot No 712 Sub Plot No 1& 2 bearing City Survey No 1365 & 1366, wherein housing Scheme namely Darshan Duplex is organized, wherin plot/Block No 4 admeasuring 1342 sq feet plot Area containing the construction of 519 sq feet, situated at opp Kalparvux complex, gotri Road, Vadodara. The boundaries are :
East : Block No 5 , Darshan Duplex
West : Society Road
North :Block No 3 , Madhuvan Society
South : Block No 3, Darshan Duplex

Lot 2:
Registration District & Sub District Vadodara city, the land bearing revenue Survery no 544 bearing Vadodara Survey records Vibhag- Vadodara Kasba , Tenure C City Survey No 2114 TO 2134 (Consolidation C S No 2114) situates, wherein the commercial Scheme namely “Windsor Plaza” shop no 501 adm 1650 Sq Ft build up area on Fifth floor exists, situated at R C Dutt Road, Alkapuri , Vadodara
East : Toilet Block
West : Office No 502
North :Passage
South : Sky Margin

Terms & Conditions

26.12.2024 till 2 pm

26.12.2024 till 4 pm

27.12.2024 for Lot 1 11.00 am to 12:00 pm

27.12.2024 for Lot 2 12.00 pm to 1:00 pm

1 All that piece and parcel of Residential Flat No 7 B adm 704.46 Sq Ft i.e 65.47 Sq Mtrs carpet area on 2nd Floor, of the building known as ‘ Sinhgad apartment’ standing on all the piece and parcel of the land bearing survey no 70/3/1 situate being and lying at vadgaon Bk within the limits of registration Sub Dist Tal Haveli, Dist Pune and within the limits of Pune Muncipal Corpn Pune 411041 Terms & Conditions 24.12.2024
till 2.00 pm
11 am to 12.00pm
1 All that piece and parcel of Commercial Plot No. SC-64, Scheme Narayan City, Block J, Gram Hathod, Jaipur, admeasuring 138.88 Sq. Yards owned by Mrs. Rakesh kanungo and Mr. Dinesh Kanungo Sale Notice 04/12/2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property – 06/12/2024 from 10 AM to 11 AM

Online Auction Platform



Exclusive Mortgage on land of 14.60 acres (1.96 acres is owned by Trust and 12.64 acres is owned by Trustee) and buildings at “Bharathi Vidhyalaya CBSE School & Bharathi Vidhyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School” at Old S.F.No.242, 164 A to J, 165 & New S.F.Nos.112/2, 112/2A, 112/2B, 111/2, 111/2A, 111/2B, 111/2A2, Veerapandi Village & Vellalapalayam Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode, Tamil Nadu - 638476 and bounded by:

North: Private Property / State Highway-15

South: Private Property

East: Private Property

West: Nehru Street


Commercial land admeasuring 0.44 acres located at New S.F. Nos.112/1 & 112/2, 112/2A, Vellalapalayam Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode, Tamil Nadu – 638476, belonging to Mr. P.R. Velumani and bounded by:

North: Property belonging to Bhagyalakshmi & Parimala Devi

South: Property belonging to Velumani, Bhagyalakshmi & Ors

East: Common pathway belonging to Bhagyalakshmi & Ors

West: Property belonging to Parimala Devi

Sale Notice 19/12/2024 till 04.00 PM 20/12/2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. E-Auction at

Commercial Unit Bearing no. 415 on 4th floor, without roof rights/terrace right, measuring 5300 sq. ft. covered area, City Centre Mall, developed on Plot no. 1B3 (measuring 6762 sq mtr), situated at Twin District Centre, Sector-10, Rohini, Delhi 110085.

(Currently property is in possession of lessee (J K Enterprises) on Superdari in the Light of order dated 04/05/2024 passed by DRT-1 in S.A No. 104/2024 and the said possession shall be vacated by lessee on successful Auction).

Sale Notice 1

Sale Notice 2

19 December 2024 upto 5:00 p.m

Auction Date:

20 December 2024


11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon

Online Auction Platform

1 All that piece and parcel of House cum Plot No.51-Min,M.C no B-XXIV-3796 Property admeasuring 100 Sq. Yards compised under Khasra no 2149/218-2150/218,Khatta No 1968/21 43 Page no 2237 as per Jamabandi for year 2007-08) Situated at Village Taraf Saidan, H.B no. 172, Abaddi Know as Mahavir Jain Colony Tehsil and District Ludhiana owned by Seema Jain Sale Notice 30/12/2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property – 31/12/2024 from 10 AM to 11 AM

Online Auction Platform


All that the piece and parcel of residential property having Municipal Corporation Number B-18/3652/68, (Comprised of Khata no. 1795/2000, Khasara no. 74//24/2 as entered in the Jamabandi for the years 2000-2001 of taraf Karbara Hadbast no. 161 Tehsil and District Ludhiana) Green field, Model Gram, Ludhiana, Punjab in the name of Mr. Parveen Kumar Dadu.

Area 210 Sq. Yds.

Sale Notice 1

Sale Notice 2

23 December, 2024 upto 5:00 p.m.

Auction Date:

24 December 2024


11:00AM-12:00 NOON.

Online Auction Platform

1 All that the piece and parcel of Industrial property which is constructed on Measuring 8K-15M situated in Village Chhandaran, comprised of khata no. 30/37, Khasra no. 7//23/2, 24/1, 25/2/1, 12//3, 4, 5/1, 6/1/2, 7/3, 8/1 as entered in Jamabandi for years 2014-2015 of village chhandaran, Hadbast no.213 Tehsil Sahnewal and District Ludhiana, Punjab. Area 5128.01 sq yards Owned by M/s Bax International.

Sale Notice 1

Sale Notice 2

23 December 2024 upto 5:00 p.m.

Auction Date:

24 December 2024


12:00 NOON-01:00 PM.

Online Auction Platform

1 All that the Plot No. 509-A-III, admeasuring 473 Sq. yards in Survey Nos. 403/1 Old and New No. 120 of Shaikpet and Survey No. 102/1 of Hakimpet Village situated at Ward No. 8, Block 2 within the limits of Municipal Corporation of Hyderabad Terms & Conditions 06.01.2025 upto 04:00 PM 07.01.2025 between 02:00 P.M to 03:00 P.M ( with auto extension of 5 minutes each)
1 All Piece and Parcel Of Flat No. 203, On The 2nd Floor, Admeasuring 72.46 Sq. Mtr. In Wing B3, In The Society Named As “Goodwill Orchids Co-Operative Housing Society Limited”, Constructed On Land Bearing Survey No. 18/1+2/2/3 Situated At Dhanori Within The Limits Of Pune Municipal Corporation Maharashtra

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

19/12/2024 upto 4:00 PM 20/12/2024 11:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M
1 All that piece and parcel of Freehold built up property bearing no. 59/2 admeasuring 245 sq. yards. Situated at Hari Nagar Village Naharpur Roopa, District Gurgoan, Haryana Terms & Conditions 20.12.2024 up to 4:00 PM

23.12.2024 from 11 AM to 12 PM

Online Auction Platform

1 All piece and parcel of Mart No. B03/33 (Old Mart No. F-43) situated on the first floor in the commercial building known as INDIA EXPO MART (M/s India Exposition Mart Limited Greater Noida) at Plot No. 25 & 27, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar (U. P.) admeasuring super area 43.63 sq. mtrs and carpet area 24 sq mtrs. owned by M/s Nabila Impex Terms & Conditions 20.12.2024 up to 4:00 PM

23.12.2024 from 10AM to 11AM

Online Auction Platform


Commercial Property (Factory) :
Property 1: All that land admeasuring 300 sq. Yds in plot no. I-1A, in RS No. 235/1 situate at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division, West Godavari district. Property 2: All that plot nos. 22 and 27 admeasuring 323.3 sq. Yds in RS No. 227/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division, West Godavari district. Property 3: All that land admeasuring0-28 cents or 1355.2 sq. Yds in RS No. 234/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division West Godavari district. Property 4: All that Industrial building admeasuring 300 sq. Yds plot no. I-3, RS NO. 235/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, West Godavari district. Property 5: All that plot no. H-2, on land measuring 300 sq. Yds in RS No. 235/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru sub division, West Godavari district.
*Together with the buildings and structures constructed/to be constructed thereon and all the fixed and fittings annexure thereto.

Residential Property :
Property 1: All that land admeasuring 0.15 cents or 726 sq. yds in RS No. 180, situated at Chodimella Village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, Eluru revenue division, West Godavari district. Property 2: All that land admeasuring Ac 0-5 cents or 0-020 hectors or 242 sq. Yds in RS No. 179 situated at Chodimella Village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, West Godavari district. Property 3: All that land admeasuring 418.6 sq. Yds in RS No. 179/3A, situated at Chodimella village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, Eluru Sub division, West Godavari district.

Terms & Conditions 09/12/2024 till 4:00 P.M

on 10/12/2024 from 10.00 am to 11:00am with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

on 10/12/2024 from 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 T.S No.158/1, Pandurangapet, Ward No.1, Block No.6, Akkalavari Street, Tilak Road, Ganganammapeta, Tenali Municipality, Guntur Dist. Terms & Conditions 11/12/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 12/12/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 Flat No. 202, 2nd Floor, Vasavi Homes, Old TS No.326, New TS no.631, RS No.631, Ward no.9, Block No.6, Near Door No.10-7-17, Padmanabhunivari Street, Ganganammapet, Tenali, Guntur Dist. Terms & Conditions 11/12/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 12/12/2024 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 An extent of 333.4 Sq. yds, under five items, along with a building therein, with door number: 5-44, block number 5, Komaripalem Village, Biccavolu Mandal, Biccavolu SRO, East Godavari District Terms & Conditions 10/12/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 11/12/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 An extent of 375.18 Sq. Yds, along with a building, bearing door number 6-353, with assessment no.2301, in survey number: 353/5, in Anaparthi Village, Anaparthi Mandal, Anaparthi SRO, East Godavari District. Terms & Conditions 10/12/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 11/12/2024 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 An extent of 220 Sq. Yds vacant site in Plot No.60, C. No.240/2012/R, L.P. No.66/2012/R approved by Deputy Director of Town & Country Planning, Rajahmundry, in Ac 4.98 cents in S. No.145/1, 145/2, 145/3, 138/1, 139/1, 139/3, in Nadkuduru (V) & Panchayath, Karapa (M), Kakinada Registry, E.G. Dist. Terms & Conditions 10/12/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 11/12/2024 from 02.00 pm to 03.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 A total extent of Ac 1.17 cents = 5662.8 sq. yards of non-agriculture, in block no.1 to the nearest D. No. 1-89 in Komaripalem (V) & Gramapanchayath, Biccavolu Mandal, Biccavolu SRO, East Godavari Dist., Andhra Pradesh. Terms & Conditions 10/12/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 11/12/2024 from 03.00 pm to 04.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

House No.36, Ward no. 17, measuring 0K-4-2/3M (140 Sq. yds) comprised Khasra No.22//6/1, 6/2, 15/1/1 Khatta No. 159/154/212 as per Jamabandi for year 2013-14 situated at village Galwaddi, H B no.9, Abaddi Known as Surya Enclave Tehsil Khanna & Distt. Ludhiana

House No.36, Ward no. 17, measuring 0K-4-2/3M (140 Sq. yds) comprised Khasra No.22//6/1, 6/2, 15/1/1 Khatta No. 159/154/212 as per Jamabandi for year 2013-14 situated at village Galwaddi, H B no.9, Abaddi Known as Surya Enclave Tehsil Khanna & Distt. Ludhiana

Terms & Conditions 26.12.2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property 1 – 27.12.2024 from 10 AM to 11 AM

For Property 2 - 27.12.2024 from 11 AM to 12 Noon

Online Auction Platform

1 Door No. 16/520-8-1 and 16/543-4, Plot No's.12, 13, 14 and 15 in Sy No. 14/5, Ward No.16th, Situated at Chinnachowk Village, Near Devuni Kadapa Road, Kadapa Municipal Corporation Limits, Kadapa District. Terms & Conditions 17/12/2024 till 4:00 P.M

On 18/12/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 Door No. 15/206 (Old) and 15-272 (New), Situated at Bandlamitta Street, Kadapa Municipality and Town, Kadapa District - 516001 Terms & Conditions 17/12/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 18/12/2024 from 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 All That Piece And Parcel Of Land Bearing No –Plot No 180 House No 9 Veer Durgadas Nagar Green Park Pali, Rajasthan, Admeasuring Area 2720 Sq. Ft

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

27/11/2024 upto 4:00 PM 28/11/2024
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
1 Property Located At "Shop No M-6 Mazzenine Plot No 79 Yashwant Plaza South Tukoganj Indore- 452001 Having Admeasuring Area 421 Sq. Ft. (Super Built Up Area),312 Sq. Ft. (Built Up Area), Owned By Mr. Jagdish Choudhary & Mrs. Ravina Choudhary.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

27/11/2024 upto 4:00 PM 28/11/2024
11:00 AM to 12:00 PM





Termas & Conditions

Sale Notice

27/11/2024 upto 4:00 PM


10:00 A.M - 11:00 A.M

11:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M

12:00 P.M - 01:00 P.M

01:00 P.M - 02:00 P.M

02:00 P.M - 03:00 P.M


Property No. 1

All That Piece And Parcel Of Land/Flat/House Bearing No:  Flat No 6, Admeasuring Area 604 Sq. Ft. (Built Up Area) on the 1st Floor in the Building No. A  in the society name “Chandralok Housing  Co- Operative Society Limited” Construction On The  Plot No. 7 8 9 And 10, Survey No. 129 /1b  And Survey No. 150/ 1A, Akurdi Pune

Property No. 2

All That Piece And Parcel Of Land/Flat/House/Office Bearing:- Office No. 316 Admeasuring Area 36.60 Sq. Mtr. And Balcony Admeasuring 2.85 Sq. Mtr. 3rd Floor, Block G, PNO GP 185 And GP 186 In The Project Name “Kohinoor Majestic” Akurdi Pune

Property No. 3

All That Piece And Parcel Of Land/Flat/House/Office Bearing:- Office No. 317 Admeasuring Area 26.38 Sq. Mtr. And Balcony Admeasuring 2.85 Sq. Mtr. 3rd Floor, Block G, PNO GP 185 And GP 186 In The Project Name “Kohinoor Majestic” Akurdi Pune

Property No. 4

All That Piece And Parcel Of Land/Flat/House/Office Bearing:- Office No. 318 Admeasuring Area 26.38 Sq. Mtr. And Balcony Admeasuring 2.85 Sq. Mtr. 3rd Floor, Block G, PNO GP 185 And GP 186 In The Project Name “Kohinoor Majestic” Akurdi Pune

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

07/12/2024 upto 4:00 PM

09-12-2024 10:00 A.M - 11:00 A.M

09-12-2024 11:00 A.M - 12:00 P.M

09-12-2024 12:00 P.M - 01:00 P.M

09-12-2024 01:00 P.M - 02:00 P.M

1 All that piece and parcel of property bearing no. C-93, One Half Undivided share of entire Second Floor with half front roof rights along with One Servant Quarter Consisting of One Room and Independent Toilet on the Top Floor of Garrage Portion, measuring 562.4 sq. yds., situated in the area of Village Madipur and the Colony known as Shivaji Park, New Delhi. 110026

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

29.11.2024 upto 4.00 PM 30.11.2024 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

18.11.2024 upto 4.00 PM 19.11.2024 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)
1 Kadapa district, Kadapa urban sub district, Kadapa Municipal corporation limits, akkayapalli village fields, Nabikot area house bearing No. 4/234 (old) New Door No.59/234 along with RCC building 1st floor and vacant site an extent of 113.75 Sq. yards. Sale Notice 23/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M

On 25/11/2024 from 02.00 pm to 03.00 pm

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 All that land admeasuring 684 Sq. yards or 571.89 Sq meters in Plot No.9,10,19, in approved lay out in R.S. No. 345/9 and 346/4, near door No.6-97, Situate at Punadipadu Gram Panchayat, Kankipadu Mandal, Krishna Dist. Terms & Conditions 23/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M

On 25/11/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 Immovable property of flat no I/301 on 3rd floor, type A adm 87.83 Sq. mtrs construction and Adm 25.89 Sq mtrs undivided land share (Adm 113.72 Sq Mtrs Super built up contruction) and adm 39.54 Sq Mtrs. Undivided land share (As per sale deed no 7393/2013) in scheme known as “Krish Residency” situated at: Survey No. 289/2, 289/4, 289/5, 290/1, F.P. No 93/1 and 93/2 of T.P.S No 103 of Mouje : Nikol, Taluka: Asarwa Dist: Ahmedabad. Sale Notice 26-11-2024 up to 5:00 pm 27-11-2024 (11:00 AM -12:00 PM)
1 All that piece and parcel of one residential Flat, containing an Area of 750 Sq. feet, super Built Up Area more or less being Block-6 on the South Eastern Side of the Third Floor of the Building situated at Premises No. 96 B, Ashutosh Mukherjee Road, P.S. Bhowanipur, under Ward no. 71 of Kolkata Municipal Corporation, Kolkata -700025 along with the undivided impartible proportionate share or interest in the land at the said premises as mentioned above.
***The details of the property are more specifically described in the Deed No 9181 dated 29.10.2010 in the name of M/s Dynamic Scaffolding & Equipment Co. represented by its sole proprietor - Mr. Bikramajit Ray.
Sale Notice 13-12-2024 till 05:00 p.m. 16-12-2024 from 11:30 am to 12:30 Pm through Website:
1 (SCHEDULE -A) All that piece and parcel of the Independent House bearing bearing Site No.118, Katha No.24/2, present BBMP Katha No.118/24/2, Jaraganahalli Village, Uttarahalli hobli, Bangalore south taluk, Bangalore now situated at Jaraganahali Village, Uttarahali Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk. Now situated within the limites of Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagar Palke, Jaraganahali, Bangalore, measuring East to west 30 feet and North to South 40 feet in all measuring 1200 Sq. Ft. along with the building constructed thereon and bounded on the East by Site No. 117; West by Site No. 119; North by Site No. 111; South by Road. Terms & Conditions 27/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 28/11/2024 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

Commercial Property (Factory) 

Property 1: All that land admeasuring 300 sq. Yds in plot no. I-1A, in RS No. 235/1 situate at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division, West Godavari district. Property 2: All that plot nos. 22 and 27 admeasuring 323.3 sq. Yds in RS No. 227/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division, West Godavari district. Property 3: All that land admeasuring0-28 cents or 1355.2 sq. Yds in RS No. 234/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division West Godavari district. Property 4: All that Industrial building admeasuring 300 sq. Yds plot no. I-3, RS NO. 235/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, West Godavari district. Property 5: All that plot no. H-2, on land measuring 300 sq. Yds in RS No. 235/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru sub division, West Godavari district.

*Together with the buildings and structures constructed/to be constructed thereon and all the fixed and fittings annexure thereto.

Terms & Conditions 18/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M  on 19/11/2024 from 10.00 am to 11:00am with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.) 

Residential Property :

Property 1: All that land admeasuring 0.15 cents or 726 sq. yds in RS No. 180, situated at Chodimella Village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, Eluru revenue division, West Godavari district. Property 2: All that land admeasuring Ac 0-5 cents or 0-020 hectors or 242 sq. Yds in RS No. 179 situated at Chodimella Village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, West Godavari district. Property 3: All that land admeasuring 418.6 sq. Yds in RS No. 179/3A, situated at Chodimella village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, Eluru Sub division, West Godavari district.

Terms & Conditions 18/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M  on 19/11/2024 from 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.) 
1 T.S No.158/1, Pandurangapet, Ward No.1, Block No.6, Akkalavari Street, Tilak Road, Ganganammapeta, Tenali Municipality, Guntur Dist. Terms & Conditions 16/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 18/11/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

Flat No. 202, 2nd Floor, Vasavi Homes, Old TS No.326, New TS no.631, RS No.631, Ward no.9, Block No.6, Near Door No.10-7-17, Padmanabhunivari Street, Ganganammapet, Tenali, Guntur Dist.

Terms & Conditions 16/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 18/11/2024 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 Door No.3/175-A, Southern Side of Street Road, Ward No.3, Chowk Street, Chinnamandayam Panchayat, Kadapa Dist. Terms & Conditions 18/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M

On 19/11/2024 from 02.00 pm to 03.00 pm

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 All piece and parcel of Mart No. B03/33 (Old Mart No. F-43) situated on the first floor in the commercial building known as INDIA EXPO MART (M/s India Exposition Mart Limited Greater Noida) at Plot No. 25 & 27, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar (U. P.) admeasuring super area 43.63 sq. mtrs and carpet area 24 sq mtrs. owned by M/s Nabila Impex Sale Notice 18.11.2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property – 20.11.2024 from 02 PM to 03 PM

Online Auction Platform


All that piece and parcel of commercial Shop/office No. 3321 on 3rd floor super area measuring 685 sq. ft (63.63 Sq.Mt) & Covered area measuring 409 sq. ft (37.99 Sq.Mt) in Angel Mega Mall built on freehold Commercial Plot No.CK-1,Kaushambi,Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) without roof rights

All that piece and parcel of Commercial Shop/office No.3322 on 3rd Floor, super area measuring 685 Sq. Ft (63.63 Sq. Mt) & Covered area measuring 409 Sq. Ft (37.99 Sq. Mt) in Angel Mega Mall built on Freehold Commercial Plot No CK-1, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) without roof rights.

Sale Notice 18.11.2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property 1 – 20.11.2024 from 10 AM to 11 AM
For Property 2 - 20.11.2024 from 11 AM to 12 Noon

Online Auction Platform

1 All that piece and parcel of Freehold built up property bearing no. 59/2 admeasuring 245 sq. yards. Situated at Hari Nagar Village Naharpur Roopa, District Gurgoan, Haryana Sale Notice 19.11.2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property – 21.11.2024 from 11AM to 12 Noon

Online Auction Platform

1 All That Piece And Parcel Of Property Bearing No – (Shop No 47 To 62)- 1st Floor Golden Plaza Bh Kamrej Police Choki Situated At Block No 117, Of Moje Village Navagam, The. Kamrajdist Surat Gujarat, Each Shop Having Admeasuring Area Of (“13.38 Sq Mts. Along With 4 Sq. Mts. Undivided Share In The Land Of Golden Plaza”) Sale Notice

14/11/2024 upto 4:00 PM

16/11/2024 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM 
1 Property Sr. No.1- All those piece and parcel of land and building situate being and lying at Khasra No. 40//12/2 (6-16) 13/1(6-0) 13/2(2-0) 14(8-0) Khewat No. 1924, admeasuring 22K-16M, situated at Mauja Barsi, Tehsil Bawani Khera Distt. Bhiwani owned by Smt. Krishna Rani and Smt. Savita Devi. Owner: Smt. Krishna Rani and Smt. Savita Devi Sale Notice 06 November, 2024 upto 5:00 p.m.

Auction Date: 07 November, 2024

Time: 10:30 AM to 11:30 AM

Online Auction Platform

1 All The Piece And Parcel Property Bearing Flat No.102, 1st Floor, Shanti Sadan, Lodha Heaven, Nilje Station Road, Next To Registration Office, Shivaji Chowk, Dombivili (E) Thane 421201 Having Admeasuring Area 550 Sq. Ft.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

12/11/2024 upto 4:00 PM 13/11/2024 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM
1 All That Piece And Parcel Of Property Bearing Plot No A /69 Admeasuring 700 Sq. Ft., Un Divided Share In The Land Of Khodiyar Nagar Situated At Block No. 26/B Area Admeasuring 20770 Sq. Mts And Akar Rs. 14.94 Paisa And City Survey No. 3267/b/67, City Survey Admeasuring 80.02 Sq. Mts. City Survey Ward Olpad Sheet No.69 Of Moje Olpad Surat (GJ)

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

12/11/2024 upto 4:00 PM 13/11/2024 02:30 PM to 03:30 PM
1 All The Piece And Parcel Property Bearing Flat No.102, 1st Floor, Shanti Sadan, Lodha Heaven, Nilje Station Road, Next To Registration Office, Shivaji Chowk, Dombivili (E) Thane 421201 Having Admeasuring Area 550 Sq. Ft.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

12/11/2024 upto 4:00 PM 13/11/2024 01:30 PM to 02:30 PM
1 All The Piece And Parcel Property Bearing Flat No. H/8, Admeasuring About 102.19, Sq. Mtrs. Super Build Up Area, 59.09 Sq. Mtrs. Build Up Situated On The 8Th Floor, “Punamratna Gardens Apartment” Constructed On Land Bearing Revenue Survey No. 79/3, Which Also Bears Final Plot No. 34, Having Plot No. C & D, Total Admeasuring About 1107 Sq. Mtrs. Of T.P. Scheme No. 8 Of Umarwada Which Is Now Having City Survey No. 3319/A/B/K/D Of Ward Umarwada Within District Together With Proportionate Share In The Said Land” Surat.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

12/11/2024 upto 4:00 PM 13/11/2024 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM
1 All The Piece And Parcel Property Bearing Flat No. 8-G Admeasuring About 102.23, Sq. Mtrs. Super Build Up And 64.88 Sq. Mtrs. Build Up Situated On The 8Th Floor Of “Punamratna Gardens Apartments” Constructed On Land Bearing Revenue Survey No. 79/3 Which Also Bears Final Plot No. 34 Having Plot No. C And D Total Admeasuring About 1107 Sq. Mtrs. Of T.P. Scheme No. 8 Of Umarwada Which Is Now Having City Survey No. 3319/A/B/K/D Of Ward Umarwadav Within District Togheter With Proportionate Share In The Said Land” Surat

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

12/11/2024 upto 4:00 PM 13/11/2024 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM

1.All those piece and parcel of commercial property situate being and lying at Khasra No. 556 min at Village Khanpur Purav, Tehsil Gadarpur, Distt. U.S. Nagar (Uttrakhand) measuring 3560 Sq mtr owned by Mr Prabhsharan Singh S/o Mr. Amar Singh

2. NA Plot for commercial use situated at Khata Khatoni No. 136 of 1417-1422 Khasra no. 556, situated at Village Khanpur Poorav, Tehsil Gadarpur, Distt. U.S. Nagar (Uttrakhand) measuring 3060 Sq. mtr owned by Mrs. Saravjit Kaur W/o Mr. Amrik Singh.

3.All that piece and parcel of commercial property situate being and lying at Khata No. 00136, Khasra No. 556 situated at Village Khanpur Poorav, Tehsil Gadarpur, Distt. U.S. Nagar (Uttrakhand) measuring 1520 Sq mtr owned by Mr. Amrik Singh S/o Mr. Dayal Singh

4. All that piece & parcel of commercial property situate being and lying at Khasra No. 556 situated at Village Khanpur Poorav, Tehsil Gadarpur, Distt. U.S. Nagar (Uttrakhand) measuring 1520 Sq mtr owned by Mr. Satpal Singh S/o Mr. Dayal Singh.

5.All that piece and parcel of commercial property situate being and lying at Khata No. 00136 Khasra No. 556 min situated at Village Khanpur Poorav, Tehsil Gadarpur, Distt. U.S. Nagar (Uttrakhand) measuring 3060 Sq mtr owned by Mr. Gagandeep Singh, Mr. Amratpal Singh, Mr. Satpal Singh S/o Mr. Dayal Singh and Mrs. Jaswant kaur W/o Mr. Satnam Singh

Auction Initmation

07 November 2024, 2024
upto 5:00 p.m.

08 November 2024
10:00AM-11:00 AM.

Online Auction Platform


Lot 1:
Registration District & Sub District Vadodara, at Moje Village Gotri, the land bearing Revenue Survey No 779 Paiki, Town Planning Scheme No 63, Final Plot No 712 Sub Plot No 1& 2 bearing City Survey No 1365 & 1366, wherein housing Scheme namely Darshan Duplex is organized, wherin plot/Block No 4 admeasuring 1342 sq feet plot Area containing the construction of 519 sq feet, situated at opp Kalparvux complex, gotri Road, Vadodara. The boundaries are :
East : Block No 5 , Darshan Duplex
West : Society Road
North :Block No 3 , Madhuvan Society
South : Block No 3, Darshan Duplex

Lot 2:
Registration District & Sub District Vadodara city, the land bearing revenue Survery no 544 bearing Vadodara Survey records Vibhag- Vadodara Kasba , Tenure C City Survey No 2114 TO 2134 (Consolidation C S No 2114) situates, wherein the commercial Scheme namely “Windsor Plaza” shop no 501 adm 1650 Sq Ft build up area on Fifth floor exists, situated at R C Dutt Road, Alkapuri , Vadodara
East : Toilet Block
West : Office No 502
North :Passage
South : Sky Margin
PDF Icon

Terms & Conditions

11.11.2024 till 4 pm

11.11.2024 till 4 pm

13.11.2024 for Lot 1 11.00 am to 12:00 pm

13.11.2024 for Lot 2 12.00 pm to 1:00 pm

1 Lot No 1
All that the pieces and parcel of immoveable property comprising of Shop No 106 on 1st Floor, Adm 32-16-49 Sq Mtrs build up construction and adm 10.03 sq mtrs undivided land share (As per Sale Deed No 1153/2021) in the scheme known as Shree Kham divine Commercial Complex situated at Block No 941/B Paiki of Mouje : Khatraj Taluka Ahemdabad and District Kheda 382330
Lot No 2
All that the pieces and parcel of immoveable property comprising of Shop No 107 on 1st Floor, Adm 30-08-53 Sq Mtrs build up construction and adm 9.38 sq mtrs undivided land share (As per Sale Deed No 1154/2021) in the scheme known as Shree Kham divine Commercial Complex situated at Block No 941/B Paiki of Mouje : Khatraj Taluka Ahemdabad and District Kheda 382330
Lot No 3
All that the pieces and parcel of immoveable property comprising of Shop No 109 on 1st Floor, Adm 40-20-62 Sq Mtrs build up construction and adm 12.54 sq mtrs undivided land share (As per Sale Deed No 1156/2021) in the scheme known as Shree Kham divine Commercial Complex situated at Block No 941/B Paiki of Mouje : Khatraj Taluka Ahemdabad and District Kheda 382330
Sale Notice

11.11.2024 upto 4 pm

11.11.2024 upto 4 pm

11.11.2024 upto 4 pm

13.11.2024 Lot No1 11.00 am to 12.00 pm

13.11.2024 Lot No 2 12.00 pm to 1.00 pm

13.11.2024 Lot No 3 1.00 pm to 2.00 pm

1 Jasdan, Plot No.23, Jasdan GIDC Industrial Area, B/h Equity Hyundai Show Room, Nr,Patidar Marriage Hall, Off.GIDC Road & Off.Atkot Road, At.Jasdan-360050, Tal.Jasdan & Dist.Rajkot, Gujarat. Sale Notice 27.11.2024 till 5:00 PM 28.11.2024 (10:30 AM-11:30 AM)
1 All that piece and parcel of flat bearing No 401-B admeasuring 419 Sq. Ft carpet area on the 4th floor of “B” wing of building known as Vikas Apartment situated at Plot No 107, Pant Nagar, Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai standing on land bearing Plot No 107, C.T.S. No 185-B at Ghatkopar, Village Kurla in the Registration District and Sub-District of Mumbai City and Mumbai Suburban Sale Notice 12-Nov-2024 up to 5:00 pm

13-Nov-2024 (11:00 AM – 12:00 PM)

1 All those piece and parcel of land and building situate being and lying at Khasra No. 40//12/2 (6-16) 13/1(6-0) 13/2(2-0) 14(8-0) Khewat No. 1924, admeasuring 22K-16M, situated at Mauja Barsi, Tehsil Bawani Khera Distt. Bhiwani owned by Smt. Krishna Rani and Smt. Savita Devi.  Sale Notice 06 November,2024 upto 5:00 p.m.

Auction Date: 07 November,2024

Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 NOON

Online Auction Platform

1 Shop No.11 Ground Floor,Wing-A, Vardhaman Enclave CHSL, Plot No. 3D, Sector 20, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Dist. Thane Sale Notice 12-November-2024 till 5:00 PM 13-November-2024 (11:00 AM -12:00 PM)
1 Flat No 707 on the 7th floor in building known as Residency Garden “B Wing” admeasuring 464 Sq Ft Carpet situated on land and ground lying and situated at Village Chikanghar Taluka Kalyan, within the limits of Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation. Sale Notice 12.11.2024 till 5:00 PM 13.11.2024 (11:00 AM till 12:00 PM)
1 Flat No. 401 (A Wing) admeasuring 540 Sq. Ft Built Up area on the 4th Floor in the building known as Mohan Park lying at Survey No New 11, Old No 39, Hissa No new 2C, old 2P of village MHARAL, Taluka Kalyan, District Thane. Sale Notice 12.11.2024 till 5:00 PM 13.11.2024 (11:00 AM till 12:00 PM)
1 Flat No 203, Divya Apartment, plot no 23,,120, eastern industrial area, Chikhali (Deo), Nagpur- 440002 Sale Notice 27-November-2024 till 5:00 PM 28-November-2024 (11:00 AM -12:00 PM)
1 Flat No 104, 1st Floor Heera Building, Hadapsar Handewadi Road, SP. No. 64/1/2/2, Hadaprar Taluka, Handi Dist- Pune-28. Sale Notice 27-November-2024 till 5:00 PM 28-November-2024 (11:00 AM -12:00 PM)

Kadapa district, Kadapa urban sub district, Kadapa Municipal corporation limits, akkayapalli village fields, Nabikot area house bearing No. 4/234 (old) New Door No.59/234 along with RCC building 1st floor and vacant site an extent of 113.75 Sq. yards.

Terms & Conditions 04/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M

On 05/11/2024 from 02.00 pm to 03.00 pm

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)


All that land admeasuring 684 Sq. yards or 571.89 Sq meters in Plot No.9,10,19, in approved lay out in R.S. No. 345/9 and 346/4, near door No.6-97, Situate at Punadipadu Gram Panchayat, Kankipadu Mandal, Krishna Dist.

Terms & Conditions

04/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M

On 05/11/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)


All That Piece And Parcel Of Property PLOT NO 130-133 SITUATED AT PRIYADARSHINI NAGAR REV, VILLAGE BEDLA UDAIPUR (RAJASTHAN) Admeasuring Area 9894 Sq. Ft.

Sale Notice

Terms & Conditions

01/11/2024 upto 4:00 PM

04/11/2024 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM


Commercial Unit Bearing no. 415 on 4th floor, without roof rights/terrace right, measuring 5300 sq. ft. covered area, City Centre Mall, developed on Plot no. 1B3 (measuring 6762 sq mtr), situated at Twin District Centre, Sector-10, Rohini, Delhi 110085.

(Currently property is in possession of lessee (J K Enterprises) on Superdari in the Light of order dated 04/05/2024 passed by DRT-1 in S.A No. 104/2024 and the said possession shall be vacated by lessee on successful Auction).

Auction Notice 28 October, 2024 upto 5:00 p.m.

29 October, 2024

10:00AM-11:00 AM.
Online Auction Platform


Commercial Property (Factory) 

Property 1: All that land admeasuring 300 sq. Yds in plot no. I-1A, in RS No. 235/1 situate at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division, West Godavari district. Property 2: All that plot nos. 22 and 27 admeasuring 323.3 sq. Yds in RS No. 227/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division, West Godavari district. Property 3: All that land admeasuring0-28 cents or 1355.2 sq. Yds in RS No. 234/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru Sub division West Godavari district. Property 4: All that Industrial building admeasuring 300 sq. Yds plot no. I-3, RS NO. 235/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, West Godavari district. Property 5: All that plot no. H-2, on land measuring 300 sq. Yds in RS No. 235/1, situated at Bhogapuram Gram Panchayat and Village, Pedavegi Mandal, Vattluru sub division, West Godavari district.

*Together with the buildings and structures constructed/to be constructed thereon and all the fixed and fittings annexure thereto.

Terms & Conditions 21/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M  on 23/10/2024 from 10.00 am to 11:00am with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.) 

Residential Property :

Property 1: All that land admeasuring 0.15 cents or 726 sq. yds in RS No. 180, situated at Chodimella Village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, Eluru revenue division, West Godavari district. Property 2: All that land admeasuring Ac 0-5 cents or 0-020 hectors or 242 sq. Yds in RS No. 179 situated at Chodimella Village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, West Godavari district. Property 3: All that land admeasuring 418.6 sq. Yds in RS No. 179/3A, situated at Chodimella village, Chodimella Gram Panchayat, Eluru Mandal, Eluru Sub division, West Godavari district.

Terms & Conditions 21/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M 21/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M  on 23/10/2024 from 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 T.S No.158/1, Pandurangapet, Ward No.1, Block No.6, Akkalavari Street, Tilak Road, Ganganammapeta, Tenali Municipality, Guntur Dist. Terms & Conditions 21/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M 

On 22/10/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am 

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.) 


Flat No. 202, 2nd Floor, Vasavi Homes, Old TS No.326, New TS no.631, RS No.631, Ward no.9, Block No.6, Near Door No.10-7-17, Padmanabhunivari Street, Ganganammapet, Tenali, Guntur Dist.

Terms & Conditions 21/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M 

On 22/10/2024 from 12.00 pm to 01.00 pm 

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.) 


All that the piece and parcel of Industrial property which is constructed on Measuring 8K-15M situated in Village Chhandaran, comprised of khata no. 30/37, Khasra no. 7//23/2, 24/1, 25/2/1, 12//3, 4, 5/1, 6/1/2, 7/3, 8/1 as entered in Jamabandi for years 2014-2015 of village chhandaran, Hadbast no.213 Tehsil Sahnewal and District Ludhiana, Punjab. Area 5128.01 sq yards Owned by M/s Bax International.

Sale Notice 04 November, 2024 upto 5:00 p.m.

Auction Date:

05 November, 2024


12:00 NOON-01:00 PM.   

Online Auction Platform


All that the piece and parcel of residential property having Municipal Corporation Number B-18/3652/68, (Comprised of Khata no. 1795/2000, Khasara no. 74//24/2 as entered in the Jamabandi for the years 2000-2001 of taraf Karbara Hadbast no. 161 Tehsil and District Ludhiana) Green field, Model Gram, Ludhiana, Punjab in the name of Mr. Parveen Kumar Dadu.

Area 210 Sq. Yds.

Sale Notice 04 November, 2024 upto 5:00 p.m.

Auction Date:

05 November 2024


11:00AM-12:00 NOON.   

Online Auction Platform

1 All that piece and parcel of House cum Plot No.51-Min,M.C no B-XXIV-3796 Property admeasuring 100 Sq. Yards compised under Khasra no 2149/218-2150/218,Khatta No 1968/21 43 Page no 2237 as per Jamabandi for year 2007-08) Situated at Village Taraf Saidan, H.B no. 172, Abaddi Know as Mahavir Jain Colony Tehsil and District Ludhiana owned by Seema Jain Terms & Conditions 06/11/2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property – 08/11/2024 from 10 AM to 11 AM

Online Auction Platform

1 All that piece and parcel of immovable residential property situated at Flat No. C-2/1105, 11th Floor, Tower C-2, Tulip Grand, at Village Akbarpur-Barota, Hadbust No. 62, Sector -35, Kundli, Sonipat, Haryana measuring 1221 sqr ft owned by Mr. Sanjay Taneja Terms & Conditions 06.11.2024 up to 4:00 PM

08.11.2024 from 10 AM to 11 AM       

Online Auction Platform

1 Commercial Unit no. 317 (without Roof Right), C & D, 3rd Floor, Centre Mall, situated on Plot no. 1B3 (Covered Area : 624.77 sqr mtr or say 6725 sq ft), Twin District Center, Sector 10, Rohini, New Delhi 110085 Auction Notice 23 October, 2024 upto 5:00 p.m.

24 October, 2024

10:00AM-11:00 AM.
Online Auction Platform


Exclusive Mortgage on land of 14.60 acres (1.96 acres is owned by Trust and 12.64 acres is owned by Trustee) and buildings at “Bharathi Vidhyalaya CBSE School & Bharathi Vidhyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School” at Old S.F.No.242, 164 A to J, 165 & New S.F.Nos.112/2, 112/2A, 112/2B, 111/2, 111/2A, 111/2B, 111/2A2, Veerapandi Village & Vellalapalayam Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode, Tamil Nadu - 638476 and bounded by:

North: Private Property / State Highway-15

South: Private Property

East: Private Property

West: Nehru Street


Commercial land admeasuring 0.44 acres located at New S.F. Nos.112/1 & 112/2, 112/2A, Vellalapalayam Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode, Tamil Nadu – 638476, belonging to Mr. P.R. Velumani and bounded by:

North: Property belonging to Bhagyalakshmi & Parimala Devi

South: Property belonging to Velumani, Bhagyalakshmi & Ors

East: Common pathway belonging to Bhagyalakshmi & Ors

West: Property belonging to Parimala Devi


2. Commercial Land and Building admeasuring 1.67 acres located at Old SF.No.79, New T.S.Nos.2 & 3, Modachur Village, Gobichettipalayam Taluk, Erode belonging to Late Mr.P.P.Ramanandham and his legal heirs.

Sale Notice 24/10/2024 till 04.00 PM 25/10/2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM. E-Auction at
1 Shop No G-2, on Upper Ground Floor of the building known as “Sagarta Complex”, NMC House No. 504/K2, Mouza-Jaitala, Lumbini Nagar, Hingna Road, C.S No. 21/5, Sheet No. 187/A/14, Jaitala within the limits of Nagpur Municipal Corporation and Nagpur Improvement Trust, Tahsil and District Nagpur. Sale Notice 12.11.2024 up to 5:00 pm 13.11.2024 (11:15 AM-12:15 PM)
1 Apartment No. 101 of the building known as “Sagarta Complex” NMC House No. 504/K2, Mouza-Jaitala Lumbini Nagar, Hingna Road, C.S.No. 21/5, Sheet No. 187/A/14, Jaitala within the limits of Nagpur Municipal Corporation and Nagpur Improvement Trust, Tahsil and District Nagpur Sale Notice 12.11.2024 up to 5:00 pm 13.11.2024 (11:15 AM-12:15 PM)

Plot No.17 in “Nilkamal Housing Society”, P.H. No. 37, Mouza-Hudkeshwar, Kh. No. 19, Gram Panchyat Narsala, Renuka Mata Nagar, Hudkeshwar Road, within the limits of Nagpur Municipal Corporation, Tahsil and District Nagpur

Sale Notice 12.11.2024 up to 5:00 pm 13.11.2024 (11:15 AM-12:15 PM)
1 All that undivided proportionate indivisible impartible variable share in the land directly underneath that the office room being Unit No. HRG-309 containing an area of about 125 square feet of Super built up Area erected and constructed on the third floor situated in the said land in the part of Premises No. 19 Synagogue Street, known as “Retained Built Up Portion” of City Centre, P.S. Burra Bazar, Kolkata -700001.
***The details of the property are more specifically described in the Deed No. I-1903-05891 of 2020 dated 23/11/2020 in the name of Mr. Praveen Kumar Pugalia
Sale Notice 04-11-2024 till 05:00 p.m. 05-11-2024 from 11:30 am to 12:30 Pm through Website:
1 All that piece and parcel of the residential property bearing House list no. 29, Katha No. 35/1, situated at Konanakunte Village, Uttarahalli Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk, Presently which comes under in the limits of BBMP Ward No.196, Ward Name: Anjanapura, Bangalore bearing BBMP Form – B Property Register Property No. 29/35/1, Sl.No.613 of Rushyashrunga Road, Konanakunte, Bangalore measuring East to West 43 feet and North to South 30 feet totally measuring 1290 Sq. feet together with all rights, appurtenances whatsoever whether underneath or above the surface and bounded on the: East by: Property No. 28; West by: Road; North by: Road; South by: Property No. 30 Terms & Conditions 05/11/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 06/11/2024 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

All that piece and parcel of commercial Shop/office No. 3321 on 3rd floor super area measuring 685 sq. ft (63.63 Sq.Mt) & Covered area measuring 409 sq. ft (37.99 Sq.Mt) in Angel Mega Mall built on freehold Commercial Plot No.CK-1,Kaushambi,Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) without roof rights

All that piece and parcel of Commercial Shop/office No.3322 on 3rd Floor, super area measuring 685 Sq. Ft (63.63 Sq. Mt) & Covered area measuring 409 Sq. Ft (37.99 Sq. Mt) in Angel Mega Mall built on Freehold Commercial Plot No CK-1, Kaushambi, Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) without roof rights.

Sale Notice 21.10.2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property 1 – 23.10.2024 from 12 Noon to 01 PM

For Property 2 - 23.10.2024 from 01 PM to 02 PM

Online Auction Platform

1 All piece and parcel of Mart No. B03/33 (Old Mart No. F-43) situated on the first floor in the commercial building known as INDIA EXPO MART (M/s India Exposition Mart Limited Greater Noida) at Plot No. 25 & 27, Knowledge Park-II, Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar (U. P.) admeasuring super area 43.63 sq. mtrs and carpet area 24 sq mtrs. owned by M/s Nabila Impex Sale Notice 23.10.2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property – 25.10.2024 from 10 AM to 11 AM     

Online Auction Platform

1 All that piece and parcel of Residential Flat No. G-1 situated on Ground Floor measuring 62.17 sq. mtrs. Situated in Plot No. B-64, Krishna Enclave Ghaziabad in the revenue estate of village Maha Sarai Alias Kot Pargana Loni District Ghaziabad Sale Notice 23.10.2024 up to 4:00 PM

For Property – 25.10.2024 from 12 Noon to 01 PM

Online Auction Platform


Plot No. AC-77, (Asoka Court) of “Empire Victory Colony”, Vill-Palda, Tehsil & Dist. Indore MP-452001, land admeasuring total area 1125 Sq Ft (104.55 Sq Mtrs) and construction thereon, existing and future and bounded as under:

East: Road

North: Plot No. AC -76

West: Plot No AC-70

South: Plot No. AC - 78

Auction Notice 12-11-2024 up to 5:00 pm 13-11-2024 (11:00AM-12:00 PM)
1 Apartment bearing No. 306 in ‘A’ Block, Third Floor “AQUA 1” situated at Kannamangala village, Kasaba Hobli, Devanahalli Taluk, Bangalore District, measuring 1145 Sq.ft., and (331 Sq. Ft., of undivided right) of super built-up area inclusive of proportionate share in common areas such as passages, lobbies, lifts, staircases and other areas of common use with One (1) covered Car parking space. Terms & Conditions 28/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 29/10/2024 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

(SCHEDULE -A) All that piece and parcel of the property bearing No.142, ITI Layout, Kathriguppa, Banashankari Iii Stage, Bangalore-560085, With Residential Apartment thereon called Nirvana Apartments, c onsisting of Basement + Ground Floor + Two Upper Floors and Part Of Third Floor And Bounded As Follows, East By: Site 141, West By: Society Land, North By: Road, South By: Site No.143.Measuring East To West 45ft And North To South 77ft Measuring In Total Area 3465.00sq.Ft.

SCHEDULE-B Flat No.2, In The Ground Floor, In Apartment Measuring 963 sq.Ft,Of Super Built Up Area In The Land More Fully Described In The SCHEDULE -A Stated In Supra. Consisting of Two Bedroom, Hall, Kitchen, Toilets, Pooja Room, The Flooring Is Mosaic, Doors Are Made in Mathi, Aluminum, Windows, With All Electric and Water Facilities. Undivided Interest Of The Land Measuring 433.125 sq.Ft, With Undivided Right And Title There On. Amenities Car Parking Area Marked as 1 With Exclusive Right of Ownership. Bounded As Follows, East By: Site 141, West By: Society Land, North By: Flat No.2, North By: Site No:143.

Terms & Conditions

22/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M

On 23/10/2024 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 All The Piece And Parcel Property measuring 112.7/9 Sq Yards Bearing Muncipal No. B-2-2235/1/1602/H-1, Situated in Gandhi Nagar, Ludhiana and Comprised of Khata No. 2131/2310 Khasra No. 46//1/2, 10 As Entered in Jamabandi for Years 1980-1981 Of Village Taraf Karabara Hadbast No. 161, Tehsil & District Ludhiana, Punjab- 141008

Sale Notice

Terms & Conditions

14.10.2024 upto 4.00 PM

15.10.2024 (11.00 AM- 12.00 PM)

1 Immovable property of flat no I/301 on 3rd floor, type A adm 87.83 Sq. mtrs construction and Adm 25.89 Sq mtrs undivided land share (Adm 113.72 Sq Mtrs Super built up contruction) and adm 39.54 Sq Mtrs. Undivided land share (As per sale deed no 7393/2013) in scheme known as “Krish Residency” situated at: Survey No. 289/2, 289/4, 289/5, 290/1, F.P. No 93/1 and 93/2 of T.P.S No 103 of Mouje : Nikol, Taluka: Asarwa Dist: Ahmedabad. Sale Notice 28-Oct-2024 till 5:00 PM

29-Oct-2024 (11:00 AM-12:00 AM)

1 Shop No.11 Ground Floor,Wing-A, Vardhaman Enclave CHSL, Plot No. 3D, Sector 20, Airoli, Navi Mumbai, Dist. Thane Sale Notice 15-Oct-2024 till 5:00 PM

16-Oct-2024 (11:00 AM-12:00 AM)

1 Flat No 707 on the 7th floor in building known as Residency Garden “B Wing” admeasuring 464 Sq Ft Carpet situated on land and ground lying and situated at Village Chikanghar Taluka Kalyan, within the limits of Kalyan Dombivali Municipal Corporation. Sale Notice 15-Oct-2024 till 5:00 PM

16-Oct-2024 (11:00 till 12:00)

1 All that piece and parcel of flat bearing No 401-B admeasuring 419 Sq. Ft carpet area on the 4th floor of “B” wing of building known as Vikas Apartment situated at Plot No 107, Pant Nagar, Ghatkopar (East), Mumbai standing on land bearing Plot No 107, C.T.S. No 185-B at Ghatkopar, Village Kurla in the Registration District and Sub-District of Mumbai City and Mumbai Suburban. Sale Notice 15-Oct-2024 till 5:00 PM

16-Oct-2024 (11:00 AM-12:00 AM)

1 R.S.No.145/1, 145/2 & 152/1, Lp.No.9/2014/Vja, Plot no.14,Near Door No.13-193, Gannavaram
Village & panchayat, Gannavaram SRO, Gannavaram Mandal, Krishna Dist, A.P-- 521101
Terms & Conditions 28/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M

On 30/10/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 Khata No.71, Plot No.78,113, 74/485,77/486,116/487 Khata no.100, Plot No.332/698, Khata No.105, Plot No.131, 69/517, 70/518, 154/519, 159/520 Khata No. 46, Plot No.69/491, 71/492, 153/493 Khata No.70, Plot No. 138, 139 Khata No.125, Plot No.89, Plot No.117, 74/486, Totally Measuring 20.13 acres, Situated at Village –Kundeijharan, P.S No- 50, P.S. Kesinga, Tehsil –M Rampur and District Kalahandi, Orrisa.
Owned by: Mr. Suresh Kumar Jain
Sale Notice 30-10-2024 till 05:00 p.m. 01-11-2024 (11:30 AM till 12:30 pm)
through Website:

Lot No. 1: - All that part and Parcel of property in the name of Sushil Kumar Jain, bearing Shop No./ Plot No.- 9, part of Survey No. 355(P), land area admeasuring 286 Square feet, (Together with the construction thereon) situated at Annapurna Complex, Agrasen Road, Mounza Bhaisthan, Ramsagarpara, Village- Chirhuldih, P.H. No. 106-B , R.I.C. – Raipur-1, Ramsagarpara Ward No. -17, City Tahsil and District Raipur, Chhattisgarh and bounded by (as per sale deed) in North by: Other’s Property, in South by – Road; in East by – Seller’s Property and in West by - Seller’s Property

Lot No. 2: - All that Part and Parcel of Property in the name of Chandrakala Jain, bearing office No. 327, Carpet Area Admeasuring – 165 sq. ft. (Together with the construction thereon) situated at third floor of Arihant Complex, Part of Municipal House No. 12/358 to 365, Kalkarpara Ward No. 14 (Old) Indira Gandhi Ward No. 20 (New), Station Road, Village Raipur Khas, P.H. NO. 106-A, R.I.C. – Raipur-I City, Tahsil and District Raipur, Chhattisgarh and bounded by (as per sale deed) – in North By- Passage of building, in South by- Road, in East by- Office No. 326 and in West by- Office No. 328

Lot No. 3: - All that Part and Parcel of Property in the name of Chandrakala Jain bearing Flat No.- D-105 of Block D of Shri Krishna Apartment, admeasuring Built up Area-784.93 Sq. Ft. and Balcony area-90.93 Sq. Ft. Total Area- 875.86 Sq. Ft., (Together with the construction thereon) situated at part of Survey No.- 625/4-7, 625/5-8. 625/9-10, Village –Mova, P.H. No. 109 , R.I.C.- Raipur-1, Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Ward No. 27, City, Tahsil and District Raipur, Chhattisgarh and bounded by (as per sale deed) in North by: Flat No. A-106, in South by – Open Space, in East by – Open Space and in West by- Corridor

Lot No. 4: - All the part and parcel of property in the name of Chandra Kala Jain and Sanju Jain, bearing Survey No. 778/11 land area measuring 0.166 Hectares (17860 Square feet), (Together with the construction thereon), situated at Village –Hirapur alias Jarway, P.H. No. 103, R.I.C. –Raipur –I, Ramkrishna Paramhans, Ward No. 2, City Tahsil and District – Raipur (C.G.) and bounded by (as per sale deed) in North by: Property of Nandkishore, in South by – Property of Lahoti, in East by – Canal and in West by- Road

Lot No. 5: - All that part and parcel of property in the name of Sushil Industries (Prop: Sushil Kumar Jain), bearing Plot No. 48/6 (P), land admeasuring – 0.093 hectare or 10000 sq. ft. (Together with construction thereon), situated at Village – Gondwara, P H No.108, Yatiyatan Ward No.4, City, Tahsil and District Raipur, Chhattisgarh and bounded (as per sale deed) in North By- Seller’s Property, in South By- Property Sold to other by seller, in East By- Road and in West By- Road

Lot No. 6: - All that Part and Parcel of Property in the name of Mr. Bihari Lal Jain, bearing Plot No. 32, part of Survey No 696/7, admeasuring - 2400 sq. ft., (Together with the construction thereon) situated at Swami Atmanand Ward No. 15, Samta Colony, Village – Chirhuldih, P.H. No. – 106 –B, R.I.C. –Raipur-I, City, Tahsil and District Raipur-Chhattisgarh and bounded by (as per sale deed) in North By- Plot no. 26, in South By- Road, in East By- Plot No. 31 and in West By- Plot No. 31

Sale Notice 25-10-2024 (For all Lot Nos.) till 05:00 p.m. For Lot No. 1: 28-10-2024 (11:00 AM till 12:00 noon);
For Lot No. 2: 28-10-2024 (02:30 AM till 03:30 PM)
For Lot No. 3: 29-10-2024 (11:00 AM till 12:00 noon);
For Lot No. 4: 29-10-2024 (02:30 AM till 03:30 PM)
For Lot No. 5: 30-10-2024 (11:00 AM till 12:00 noon);
For Lot No. 6: 30-10-2024 (02:30 AM till 03:30 PM)
through Website:
1 All that piece and parcel of Residential Flat No 7 B adm 704.46 Sq Ft i.e 65.47 Sq Mtrs carpet area on 2nd Floor, of the building known as ‘ Sinhgad apartment’ standing on all the piece and parcel of the land bearing survey no 70/3/1 situate being and lying at vadgaon Bk within the limits of registration Sub Dist Tal Haveli, Dist Pune and within the limits of Pune Muncipal Corpn Pune 411041 Sale Notice


till 6.00 pm


11 am to 12.00pm

1 Door No.3/175-A, Southern Side of Street Road, Ward No.3, Chowk Street, Chinnamandayam Panchayat, Kadapa Dist. Sale Notice 04/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M

On 07/10/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 pm

with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)

1 Door No.3/175-A, Southern Side of Street Road, Ward No.3, Chowk Street, Chinnamandayam Panchayat, Kadapa Dist. Terms & Conditions 04/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 07/10/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 pm
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 Door No.13/91, Sy No.1, Ward No.13, Western Line to Street Road, Kothapalli Street, Masapeta Area, Rayachoty, Kadapa Dist. Terms & Conditions 04/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 07/10/2024 from 11.00 am to 12.00 pm
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 All that land admeasuring 684 Sq. yards or 571.89 Sq meters in Plot No.9,10,19, in approved lay out in R.S. No. 345/9 and 346/4, near door No.6-97, Situate at Punadipadu Gram Panchayat, Kankipadu Mandal, Krishna Dist. Terms & Conditions 07/10/2024 till 4:00 P.M On 08/10/2024 from 10.00 am to 11.00 am
with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (ie. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.)
1 Commercial Unit Bearing no. 415 on 4th floor, without roof rights/terrace right, measuring 5300 sq. ft. covered area, City Centre Mall, developed on Plot no. 1B3 (measuring 6762 sq mtr), situated at Twin District Centre, Sector-10, Rohini, Delhi 110085.
(Currently property is in possession of lessee (J K Enterprises) on Superdari in the Light of order dated 04/05/2024 passed by DRT-1 in S.A No. 104/2024 and the said possession shall be vacated by lessee on successful Auction).

Sale Notice 1

Sale Notice 2

07 October, 2024 upto 5:00 p.m.

Auction Date:

08 October, 2024


10:00AM-11:00 AM.   

Online Auction Platform

1 An extent of 25 Sq. Yards (20.90 Sq. mtrs) of undivided share in 390 Sq. Yards (326.09 Sq. mts) along with flat No.GF-2 in ground floor of Lotus Tower, consisting of 675 Sq.ft. of plinth area 100 Sq. ft of common area 20 Sq.ft. of parking area Dr.No.10-3/8, plot No.17 & 10, Rs.No.84/2 of Prasadampadu, Vijayawada, Gundala Sub-Registry, Krishna Dist.,

Terms & Conditions

27/09/2024 till 04.00 PM

30/09/2024 11:00 am to 12:00 pm with unlimited extension of 5 minutes (i.e. time mentioned in sale notice or up to 5 minutes from last bid placed by any bidder, whichever is later.) website

1 All The Piece And Parcel Property Bearing Flat Unit No. A-28, Family Unit No. 603, 6th Floor, Dhebar Tower
Civil Station Block No. 18, Plot No. 16/4,6,7,8,9
Ηouse Νo 34/335 (New 2/235),
Pt Bhagwati Charan Shukla Ward No. 48, Raipur Khas,
P.H No. 106/A, Mohalla Chhotapara,
Byron Bazar, Raipur-1, Raipur (C.G) 492001
Admeasuring Super Built Up Area 1237.34 Sq.ft.

Terms & Conditions

Sale Notice

09/10/2024 upto 4:00 PM 10/10/2024 12:30 PM to 01:30 PM

Click here to check the old auction details.

15/03/2025 till 4:00 P.M

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up to 8.25% interest p.a